Cyber SEC TTX & ACS WG/1

Cyber Resilience Table Top Exercise
(Amman, Jordan, 13-15 November 2022)
First Meeting of ANS Cyber Security Working Group (ACS WG/1)
(Amman, Jordan 16 November 2022)
​Invitation Letter
Cyber Resilience Table Top Exercise

​List of Participants 

​Participation Handbook

Regional Perspective and Activities
​Participants Hand-out Material-HQ

​Group Photo

Presentations for the Cyber Resilience TTX


Outcome of the Cybersec TTX
Cyber Security & Resilience Acitivities in UAE

First Meeting of ANS Cyber Security Working Group (ACS WG/1)

                                   ​List of Participants                                                
​                                    Summary of Discussion

Working Papers for the ACS WG/1 

​                              Order of Business


Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Election of Chairperson

Presentations for the ACS WG/1 
Aviation Cybersecurity Strategy
​Cybersecurity Action Plan

Outcome of CNS SG11 related to ACS WG
​Cyber Security Gap Analysis

Communication Basics​
Future Work Programme


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