The global aviation was hit hard by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, even heavier than other sectors as its main purpose is the transport of people and cargo all across the globe for travel, tourism, business and trade. The drastic reduction in air travel demand and supply amplified by stringent travel restrictions have a catastrophic effect on global aviation industry, including the severe economic and operational pressure on all stakeholders in the sector. The mounting uncertainties interrelated to the evolving situation and its aftermath, as well as the disruption in other sectors that are dependent on reliable air transport system intensified the crisis. MID Region is no exception to this especially where aviation represents a substantial share of the national GDP of States.
Following the crisis, we have established communication and open
with our member States with the objectives to reduce the risks of the spread of COVID-19 by air transport and to protect the health of air travellers and aviation personnel, while at the same time maintaining air transport operations and ensuring an orderly return to normal operations in due course. We have also established a dialogue with the International and Regional Organization in order to harmonize the efforts towards the planning for the recovery phase.
Despite our decision to activate the ICAO’s business continuity plan as of Tuesday, 17 March 2020 for ICAO HQ and all Regional Offices, where all ICAO Staff is required to telecommute and work remotely, yet ICAO MID Office remains open for business and work is done from different locations using different technologies. Therefore, communication with MID States is maintained and even amplified through emails, telephones, website, etc.; and assistance is being provided, as deemed necessary.
In this regard, ICAO Middle East Regional Office has developed a
COVID-19 Website to coordinate and share COVID-19 information, measures and guidelines with its member States and list the
NOTAMs issued by MID States and measures taken with regard to COVID-19.
At this stage, we might have different mandates, yet we all have one target ahead of us, which is to reboot the sector and bring it to the normal operational level in fastest way possible while maintaining the safety and security. The recovery of the industry requires harmonized and coordinated efforts from all of us. ICAO always provides a global platform for the industry where all stakeholders join forces to prove the resilience of our industry.
On any of the aforementioned matters, should you require specific guidance,
please contact the ICAO MID Regional Office |
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