Second Meeting of the Aviation Security and Facilitation Plan Development Group

(Abu Dhabi, UAE, 3 - 4 May 2017)

​Invitation Letter    



List of Participants

Final Report​
​WP # ​Agenda Item # ​WP Title   ​
​1 1 Provisional Agenda
​2​2A Proposal to include One-stop Security in ACAC/MID SECFAL Plan​
​32​Revision of One Page Scoping Documents​
​4​3MID RASFG Procedural Handbook​
​5​4​Future Work Programme
​IP #Agenda Item #IP Title​
​1List of Working and Information Papers​
​2Daily Order of Business and Work Programme​
​PPT #Agenda Item #PPT Title​
​12​​SECFAL Questionnaire
ACI Presentation​
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