Joint AFI SECFAL Plan and RASFALG-AFI Meeting


Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Security and Facilitation in Africa (AFI SECFAL Plan), Action Plan meeting, 25 to 26 October, 2016; Nairobi Kenya
Regional Aviation Security and Facilitation Group
(RASFALG-AFI Meeting), 27 to 28 October 2016, Nairobi Kenya


Plan Régional de Mise en Oeuvre Complet de la Sûreté et de la Facilitation de
l’Aviation en Afrique (Plan AFI SECFAL) - Réunion sur le Plan d’Action (du
25 au 26 octobre 2016)
Réunion du Groupe régional de Travail sur la Sûreté et la Facilitation de
l’Aviation (RASFALG-AFI), du 27 au 28 octobre 2016
Information Papers | Documents d'Information Language
Information Bulletin / Bulletin d'information
Invitation Letter / Lettre d'invitation
(ACTION PLAN MEETING 25 - 26 October 2016)
Draft Agenda - Action Plan Meeting
Aviation Security and Facilitation Targets for Africa
Draft Action Plan on Implementation of Windhoek Ministerial Declaration and Aviation Security and Facilitation Targets
Presentation - DGCA AFI SECFAL Plan
SITA - Electronic Border Management for Africa
The Role of ASTCs in Implementation of The Action Plan
Implementation of the Universal Security Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach
(USAP-CMA) in Africa
RASFALG-AFI (27 - 28 October 2016)
Draft Agenda - Third Meeting of The Regional Aviation Security & Facilitation Group (RASFALG-AFI)
Report on the Progress made on 2nd RASFALG-AFI Recommendations
Windhoek Declaration on Aviation Security and Facilitation in Africa
Decisions and Recommendations of The 3rd AFI SECFAL Plan Steering Committee Meeting
Report on Working Papers presented to the 39th ICAO Assembly - AFCAC
ICAO 39th Assembly - Summary of Main Conclusions - Aviation Security and Facilitation


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