| Agenda Item 2.1: EU CASE Project Benefits and Progress - ECAC | |
 | Agenda Item 2.2: Addressing Challenges of ICAO Aviation Security and Facilitation Training - ISD Security Section (ICAO HQ) | |
 | Agenda item 2.3: Enhancing performance of ASTCs in Africa - ASTC (EASA, Kenya) | |
 | DP 01 - Progress report on the AFI SECFAL Plan Work Programme | |
 | DP 02 - Proposed AFI SECFAL Plan Projects | |
 | DP 03 - Update on the Designation of AVSEC & FAL Expert Assistant Teams of RASFALG-AFI and Implementation Status of Targets 4 and 5 of the WINDHOEK DECLARATION | |
 | DP 04 - ICAO TRIP Strategy Implementation of MRTDs PKD and API and issuance of e-passport in Africa -ICAO,HQ | |
 | ICAO TRIP Strategy Implementation of MRTDs PKD and API and issuance of e-passport in Africa - IATA | |
 | DP 05 - Status of Implementation of Aviation Security Projects in Africa | |
 | DP 06 - Key Aviation Security and Facilitation Challenges identified by USAP Audits | |
 | DP 07 - 39th ICAO Assembly resolutions related to Aviation Security and Facilitation | |