WP/00 | Election of the AFI SECFAL Plan Chairperson | | |
WP/01 | Status of Implementation of the 7th SC Meeting Decisions and Recommendations | | |
WP/02 | Report on the Alignment AFI SECFAL Plan Work Programme | |  |
WP/03 | Report of the Status Reports RASFALG AFI Activities | | |
WP/04 | Report on the AFI SECFAL Plan Projects | |  |
WP/05 | Status of Implementation of Windhoek Targets | | |
WP/06 | Status of implementation of ICAO TRIP Strategy PKD API in Africa and the African Passport project | | |
WP/07 | Progress of Implementation of ACI APEX | | |
WP/08 | Progress of Implementation of CASE | | |
WP/09 | Report on ASTC activities; ESAF & WACAF | | |
WP/11 | Proposed 2019 Work Programme and Plan Financial Status | |  |
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