Statistics Programme
This programme, initiated in 1947, collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates civil aviation statistics as required by States and the Organization for an efficient, safe and secure development of civil aviation. It also provides the traffic exposure data necessary to derive trend level indicators related to measuring the implementation levels of ICAO’s Strategic Objectives Safety — Enhance global civil aviation safety and C — Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Air Transport.
The Integrated Statistical Database (ISDB) is a web-enabled database covering historical time-series on air carrier traffic, on-flight origin and destination (OFOD), traffic by flight stage (TFS), air carrier fleet and personnel, air carrier finances, airport traffic, airport finances, en-route facility traffic, en-route facility finances and civil aircraft on register. These data can be purchased by third parties on a request basis by contacting
Under Information, please refer to Publications for the manuals, studies and other guidance material to assist States and other stakeholders in the above areas of expertise. Under Meetings/Workshops, please refer to the respective links for Conferences, regional workshops, and expert-group meetings.
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