ICAO/IKSANO Joint Workshop on Air Navigation Services

(29 June to 1 July 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine)


A joint ICAO/IKSANO workshop on cost recovery for air navigation services was held in Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 June to 1 July 2004.


The purpose of the workshop was to share information needed to deal with economic, organizational and other managerial issues related to the financial management of air navigation services. Participants should, after the workshop, have developed an understanding of the main principles and guidance in ICAO's Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 9082).


Invitations were issued to States from the Central and Eastern parts of the European region and selected organizations. The Workshop was intended for those currently in positions responsible for the management and financial performance of air navigation services, and for economists and other supporting staff in these areas. The workshop does not assume that participants possess previous knowledge or experience about ICAO's policy on cost recovery.


It should be emphasized that representatives of autonomous entites for air navigation services were welcome to participate in these workshops. The participation of such entities is in the interest of States with respect to their obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Doc 7300 (the Chicago Convention), and served to further increase the dissemination of ICAO policy and guidance.


Further information concerning the Agenda and Workshop documents may be found in the information pamphlet which available in English and Russian.


For further information please contact:

Secretary of the Workshop
Email address: eap@icao.int


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