2019 Programme Applications
From 14 June to 12 July, 2019 ICAO invited emissions unit programmes to apply for assessment by TAB against the CORSIA Emissions Unit Criteria (EUC).
ICAO received 14 responses to the call for applications. The responses provided - except for information labeled as business confidential - are included below.
1. American Carbon Registry
2. British Columbia Offset Program
3. China GHG Voluntary Emission Reduction Program
4. Clean Development Mechanism
5. Climate Action Reserve
6. Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
7. Global Carbon Trust
8. Gold Standard
9. myclimate
10. Nori
11. REDD.plus
12. Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization
13. The State Forests of the Republic of Poland
14. Verified Carbon Standard
On 5 August, 2019, ICAO invited the public to submit comments
on the responses to the call for applications, including regarding
their alignment with the EUC.
ICAO received 16 public comments, which can be viewed in a consolidated form here.
TAB Recommendations
TAB submitted its first report to Council in January 2020. After
consideration, Council accepted TAB's recommendations, and approved
the associated ICAO document "CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units." TAB's recommendations from its first assessment are available in all six ICAO official languages.

The latest ICAO Document "CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units," as approved by the Council is available for download here.
Registry Attestations
Signed Emissions Unit Programme Registry Attestations from programmes approved by Council in March 2020 are available below:
1. American Carbon Registry
2019 Webinar for Emissions Unit Programmes
On 3 July, 2019, ICAO held a webinar for emissions unit programmes to learn more about the application process for the assessment by TAB.
TAB Assessments
TAB completed assessments in 2020 and 2021. Detailed information about those assessments can be accessed below:
2020 TAB Assessment
2021 TAB Assessment