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        Remarks by Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar Marking his 2nd Term

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ICAO is transforming its Secretariat into a more adaptive and collaborative organization demonstrating operational excellence.

By 2027 the organization will have fully embedded a results-driven and people-focused culture and way of working. we will have a more transparent, accountable, efficient, and values-guided culture and, in collaboration with key partners and other stakeholders, we will be increasingly more innovative and agile.

Together these combined achievements will deliver greatly enhanced services for its Member States.

Read this blog post from ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar: ICAO’s new journey: becoming fit for aviation’s future.

ICAO's 2023–2025 Business Plan is accordingly focused on transformation, people, innovation, and efficiency and effectiveness when addressing ICAO's mandates.

The cross-cutting Transformational Objective has been designed to achieve these goals for the ICAO Secretariat by driving vital corporate reforms and new innovation projects.

This transformation will enhance ICAO's programme delivery toward the Strategic Objectives for the air transport sector contained in the Business Plan, and will help the Secretariat to realize new economies of scale and other efficiencies through more intensive organizational integration.

Due to the complexity and scale of the Transformational Objective, its challenges are addressed across the entire ICAO Secretariat during its initial three-year implementation period. Its supporting Strategy has accordingly been structured to achieve four Key Outcomes delivering an entirely new ICAO way of working:


These Key Outcomes will in turn will be aided by several interdependent programmes and projects, arranged under three core Transformation Pillars, and the six Transformation Outputs which inform them:


Transformation Outputs

TO-1 - People & Culture

Implementation of a comprehensive People centric Strategy which evolves organizational culture and performance.

TO-2 - Principles & Values

Strengthened adherence and compliance to ethics principles and values, considering best practices of other organizations of the UN system, and development of robust mechanisms of formal and informal dispute resolution.

TO-3 - Digitalization

Modernization and enhancement of ICAOs digital capability through implementation of a comprehensive ICT Digital Transformation Strategy.

TO-4 - Information Security

Strengthened Information Security through a holistic risk-based and maturity-based information security strategy encompassing both organizational and operational security.

TO-5 - Financial Management

TO-6 - Strategic Organizational Reform


Click here for the TO Dashboard user manual.Icon pdf manual.png

Read the details of current Transformational Objective projects here.

Transformational Objective Annual Report 2023

Transformational Objective Resource Mobilization Prospectus 

To find out more, please contact the ICAO Transformation Team at:

Remarks by Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar Marking his 2nd Term
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