Date & time:
30 August, 2022 at 0900 EDT
Registration is closed now. Please note that a recording of the webinar has been available on demand on ICAO TV here.
The aerospace industry has started a technological revolution, with the multiplication of eVTOL projects within existing aviation companies and in start-ups, building upon legacy OEM experience and some being driven by aviation enthusiasts who are exploring new forms of mobility. Some will be ready to enter into service by 2025, however, work is still on-going on an enabling globally harmonized regulatory framework. Regulators, concept developers, manufacturers, air navigation service providers and the global aviation community, at large, must work together to ensure a safe and orderly entry of this new technology into airspace.In this context, it is essential to understand the respective challenges of both eVTOL developers and regulators, as those may also be shared in other parts of the world. The conversation held during the webinar aims to identify the opportunities to approach those challenges differently, to the benefit of air mobility.
Chrystelle Damar, Strategic Planning and Regional Coordination Officer, Strategic Planning, Regional Coordination and Partnerships Office (SPCP)

Chrystelle Damar is currently working in the Strategic Planning, Coordination and Partnerships Office, where she coordinates organizational-wide initiatives to advance innovation at ICAO, in particular on enhancing the interface between ICAO, Member States and the innovation community. For the past 15 years, she has held various position in public affairs, environmental management and international policy, with the aim to make people work together for the delivery of a sustainable future for international civil aviation.
Roberto J. S. Honorato, Head of the Airworthiness Department at ANAC Brazil

Roberto J. S. Honorato started his carrier in aviation in 1998. Since 2008, has been working for ANAC, the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency, currently as Head of the Airworthiness Department. He holds degrees in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University de Minas Gerais and postgraduate studies in Civil Aviation Management by the University of Brasilia. Before joining ANAC, he worked for ten years with avionics, maintenance and supplemental type certification. The Brazilian aircraft registry, international agreements on airworthiness, aircraft certification and production approvals are under his responsibilities.
André Duarte Stein, Co-Chief Executive Officer at EVE Air Mobility

Stein has 25 years of experience in aerospace. He is a co-founder of EmbraerX, Embraer's market accelerator, and he has been the leader of Embraer's Urban Air Mobility initiative since its inception and EmbraerX's Head of Strategy. Before assuming his role at EmbraerX he led Embraer's Commercial Aviation Product and Market Strategy he was responsible for the E175+ product definition and go-to-market strategy, raising Embraer market share in the US regional aircraft market from less than 50% to over 80%, and for new E-Jets E2 family of commercial jets, from the very first business case to its first aircraft delivery, winning multiple international awards. He also sponsored Embraer first R&D initiatives in Electric and Autonomous Aviation. Previously Stein led Embraer strategic marketing efforts in Asia Pacific that resulted in Embraer first commercial and executive jets sales in the region and restructure Embraer commercial aircraft sales in Latin America bringing Embraer from almost no participation to the absolute market leadership in the region. Stein hails from the Kellogg School of Management and is a Mechanical Engineer from Unicamp. He is an avid traveler who is passionate about mobility and has accumulate multicultural experience from living and working in Australia, Singapore, Silicon Valley and Brazil.
Innovators, regulators, the industry and the research community.