Performance Based Navigation/Global Navigation Satellite System Task Force (PBN/GNSS TF/4)

​Performance Based Navigation/Global Navigation Satellite System Task Force (PBN/GNSS TF/4)
Cairo, Egypt, 2 - 4 October 2011




​WP No. ​Agenda Item Title​
​WP/1 1​ Adoption of the Agenda and Election of Chairpersons​
WP/2​ 2​ Review of the MIDANPIRG/12 and Other Meetings Conclusions/Decisions related to PBN and GNSS​
WP/3​ 3​ Update on Other ICAO Regions​
WP/4​ 3​ Proposals for the Amendments​
WP/5​ ​4 Update the MID Regional PBN Implementation Plan​
WP/6​ 5 Update the State PBN Implementation Plan​
​WP/7 ​5 Update on Go Team​
​WP/8 6​ Strategy for the Implementation of GNSS in MID Region​
​WP/9 ​7 ​Future Work Programme
​WP/10 ​6 Guidelines for the Design of Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs) in Hot Climate Conditions​
​WP/11 ​4 Support MID Performance Based Navigation​



​IP No. Agenda Item​ Title​
​IP/01 ​- ​List of Information and Working Papers
​IP/02 ​- ​Daily Order of Business and Work Programme
IP/03​ ​5 Status of RNAV Approaches Implementation​



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