MID Region Global ATM Operational Concept Training Seminar
Cairo, 28 November – 1 December 2005
Summary of Discussions
1.1 The objective of the Seminar, which was conducted within a framework of Special Implementation projects for the year 2005, was to provide States in the Middle East region with a better understanding of the ATM operational concept and its components, with the focus on the planning and implementation issues related to the approach towards a harmonized and evolutionary implementation of the global ATM operational concept.
1.2 The Seminar was attended by a total of 39 participants from 10 States and 4 International Organizations.
1.3 Mr. A. Zarroug RO/ATO ICAO MID Office opened the Seminar on behalf of The ICAO Regional Director and Messrs Gunnar F. Emausson TO/ATM from ICAO HQs and Mohamed Smaoui RO/AIS/MAP ICAO MID Office, supported it. Presentations on different subjects were also made by speakers from ATNS South Africa, Eurocontrol, IATA and FAA in addition to those made by the ICAO Secretariat.
2.1 On the first day of the Seminar, the participants were provided with basic presentations, which covered the Air Traffic Management System requirements and an overview of the Global ATM Operational Concept and its components. These presentations provided the background to the Seminar.
2.2 During the following days of the Seminar, the participants were apprised of the ICAO Air Navigation developments, the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM systems and its status of implementation in the MID Region as well as the proposed amendment to the Global Plan. The presentations covered also many other important issues i.e: the transition strategies to facilitate the gradual implementation of the ATM operational concept, the development of an ATM Performance framework in support of the operational concept, a strategic vision for future Air Traffic Management "Achieving harmony! One Sky? ATM?".
2.3 In the concluding session, the participants appreciated the format and contents of the Seminar, which was considered as the first step in the planning mechanism related to the approach towards a harmonized and evolutionary implementation of the global ATM operational concept. As a result of discussions, the Seminar developed the following recommendations, which are to be addressed by ICAO and States as appropriate:
a. The Seminar acknowledges the need to consider the impact of the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept, on the MID Region.
b. States in coordination with the ICAO MID Regional Office should take the leadership role in the regionalized, harmonized implementation of the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept.
c. MID States in coordination with the ICAO MID Regional Office should identify the areas where immediate collaboration can be implemented and consequently benefits derived.
d. To meet the overall requirements of the ATM Operational Concept, States/ANSPs in coordination with the ICAO MID Regional Office, should create, as a matter of urgency, the mechanism to allow cooperation, to achieve global Collaborative Decision Making (CDM).
e. The ATM community members of the MID Region should consider the value of harmonization through an active participation in MIDANPIRG and its subsidiary bodies meetings.
f. Regulators and ANSPs should develop a common view and supporting process to fulfill their respective roles as members of the ATM Community and should interact in a coordinated and harmonized manner with the other members of the ATM Community.
g. For the preparation of the implementation of the ATM Operational Concept, States should develop as soon as possible a human resources and training plan for all Civil Aviation Staff with an early identification of training and recruitment needs linked to the Global concept.
h) IATA should continue to play a leading role in the process of ATS Incident Analysis and maintain the database on ATS incidents in the MID Region.
i) IATA is invited to present to the next ATM/SAR/AIS SG meeting a Working Paper on ATS incidents with incidents reported even outside the MID Region.
j) MIDANPIRG is invited to reconsider the re-activation of the ATS Incident Analysis Task Force with revised TOR including safety issues.
k) States are invited to make every effort to involve the military authorities in the planning process pertaining to the Global ATM Operational Concept.
l) Civil-Military coordination in the MID Region should be further improved and the issue of military flights using the airspace over the high seas should be tackled by all concerned parties, as a matter of urgency.
Title and Presenter |
Language |
The Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept and its components By Mr. Arthur James Bradshaw
Air Traffic Management System Requirements By Mr. Steve Bradford
ICAO Air Navigation Developments By Mr. Gunnar F. Emausson
Transition strategies to facilitate the gradual implementation of the Operational Concept
By Mr. Henk J. Hof
The Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM systems
By Mr. Gunnar F. Emausson
Status of implementation of the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems in the MID Region By Mr. Mohamed Smaoui
Achieving harmony ! One Sky … ATM By Mr. Jehad Faqir
The development of an ATM Performance Framework in support of the Operational Concept By Mr. Henk J. Hof
Review of the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept and its components By Mr. Arthur James Bradshaw
Mr. Saleem Mohamed Hassan |
Chief Air Traffic Management
Ministry of Transportation
Civil Aviation Affairs
P.O. Box 586
Fax: (973) 17 321 992
Tel: (973) 17 321 117
Mobile: (973) 3960 8860
Mr. Fareed Abdullah Al-Alawi |
Head of Aeronautical Info. And Airspace Planning
P.O. Box 586 – Manama
Fax: (973) 17 321 029
Tel: (973) 17 321 180
Mobile: (973) 396 575 96
Mr. Hassan Mahmoud Sadek |
General Manager AIS & MAP Department
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority
Complex of Civil Aviation
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 4045632![Call: (202) 4045632]()
Mobile: (012) 267 9387![Call: (012) 267 9387]()
Eng. Mahmoud Al Ashmawi |
G.M. NAV-AIDS Facilities
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority
Complex of Civil Aviation
Cairo – EGYPT
Fax: (202) 2688332![Call: (202) 2688332]()
Tel: (202) 2681347![Call: (202) 2681347]()
Mobile: (010) 3324210![Call: (010) 3324210]()
Miss Heba Mostafa Mohamed |
Central Administration for Internationa & Internal Affairs
Civil Aviation Ministry
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority
Complex of Civil Aviation
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 2685420![Call: (202) 2685420]()
Mobile: (010) 3324210![Call: (010) 3324210]()
E-mail: |
Mr. Mohamed Atef Ammar |
Director of following up the Regional Recommendations
General Directorate of Research & Development
National Air Navigation Services Company
Cairo Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 2671056![Call: (202) 2671056]()
Mobile: (010) 3392748![Call: (010) 3392748]()
Mr. Mohsen El Agaty |
Director of Research and Development
National Air Navigation Services Company
Cairo Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Fax: (202) 268 7849![Call: (202) 268 7849]()
Tel: (202) 267 1056![Call: (202) 267 1056]()
Mobile: (010) 11623922
Mr. Salama El Sakka |
Tower Director
Cairo Airport Control Tower
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 4694175![Call: (202) 4694175]()
Mobile: (012) 6708918![Call: (012) 6708918]()
E-mail: |
Mr. Essawy Mohamed Essawy |
ATC Instructor
National Air Navigation Services Company
Cairo Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 2657813![Call: (202) 2657813]()
Mobile: (010) 6014662![Call: (010) 6014662]()
Mr. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz |
Senior Air Traffic controller
National Air Navigation Services Co.
Cairo Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 2657961![Call: (202) 2657961]()
Mr. Hesham A.F. Abdelazim |
Data processing and Display System
Technical Supervisor
National Air Navigation Services Company
Cairo Air Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 265 7950![Call: (202) 265 7950]()
Mobile: (010) 140 8940![Call: (010) 140 8940]()
Mr. Salah El Deen Said Aly Salem |
National Air Navigation Services Company
Cairo Navigation Center
Cairo International Airport Road
Cairo – EGYPT
Tel: (202) 2828688![Call: (202) 2828688]()
Mobile: (010) 6013811![Call: (010) 6013811]()
Mr. Nayef Al-Marshoud |
Chief of TACC
Directorate of Navigation
Civil Aviation Authority
Queen Alia Airport
P.O. Box 7547
Amman – JORDAN
Fax: (962-6) 445 2312
Tel: (962-6) 445 2689
Mobile: (962-77) 778 9470
Mr. Abdullah Nasser Rashid Al-Harthy |
Senior Air Traffic Controller
Directorate General of Civil Aviation & Meteorology
P.O. Box 1 – Code 111
Seeb International Airport
Fax: (968) 24 519523
Tel: (968) 24 519 201
Mobile: (968) 9947 6806
Eng. Mohamed Abdullah Al Yafaey Salalah |
Airport Director
Directorate General of Civil Aviation & Met.
P.O. Box 868 – Code 211
Salalah - Airport
Fax: (968) 23292288
Tel: (968) 23291570
Mr. Ali Humaid Al-Adawi |
Director of Air Navigation Services
Directorate General of Civil Aviation & Meteorology
P.O. Box 1 – Code 111
Seeb International Airport
Fax: 968 24519930
Tel: 968 24519699
Mobile: 968 99433003
Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Al Eshaq |
Senior Air Traffic Control Officer
Civil Aviation Authority
P.O. Box 3000
Doha – QATAR
Fax: (974) 465 6554![Call: (974) 465 6554]()
Tel: (974) 462 2300![Call: (974) 462 2300]()
Mobile: (974) 555 0440![Call: (974) 555 0440]()
Mr. Abdulkafia Makboul |
Man ATC Jeddah/KAIA
Presidency of Civil Aviation
P.O. Box 6326, BLD 121
Jeddah 21442 – SAUDI ARABIA
Fax: (966-2) 6854021
Tel: (966-2) 6855764
Mobile: 966-555592868 |
Mr. Fareed H. Al Khateeb |
Assist. Manager ATSU
King Khaled International Airport
Presidency of Civil Aviation
Fax: (966-2) 2211194
Tel: (966-2) 2211121 |
Mr. Saeed A. Al Ghamdi |
Senior Supervisor ATC
Presidency of Civil Aviation
Fax: (966-2) 8831290
Tel: (966-2) 8831214
Mobile: 966-505 827416
Mr. Mohammed Bin Salman |
Software Engineer
Airways Eng.
Tel: (966) 6717717![Call: (966) 6717717]()
Mobile: (966) 504641964
Mr. Ronnie Mothus |
Air Traffic Services Inspector
Private Bag X73
Halfway House 1685
Fax: 27 11 545 1459
Tel: 27 11 545 1065
Mr. Hennie Marais |
Senior Manager Air Traffic Management Private Bag X15, Kempton Park 1620 Fax: 2711 3923869 Tel: 2711 9610302 E-mail: henniem@atns.co.zax |
Mr. Arthur James Bradshaw
(Speaker) |
Chairman ATM RPP ATNS ISANDO RSA Fax: 27 11 3923946 Tel: 27 11 3924895 Mobile: 27 828916269 E-mail: Arthurb@atns.co.za |
Mr. Jeoffrey Matshoba |
Air Traffic Management Specialist Private Bag X15 Kempton Park 1620 Fax: 27 11 392 3869 Tel: 27 11 961 0208 Mobile: 27 82 921 1537 E-mail: jeffm@atns.co.za |
Mr. Ahmad Natouf |
Assistant Director of Air Traffic Manager General Organization of Civil Aviation Sahet Al Najmeh Damascus, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Fax: 963 11 3315547 Tel: 963 11 3315547 |
Mr. Elwan Lissa |
ATM General Organization of Civil Aviation Sahet Al Najmeh Damascus, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Fax: 963 11 3315547 Tel: 963 11 3315547 |
Mr. Mansoor Mohamemed Taher |
General Manager ATS Department of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 2525 Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fax: 971 4 224 5359 Tel: 971 4 2162071 Mobile: 971 50 6446672 E-mail: m_taher@dca.gov.ae |
Mr. Khalid Al Arif |
Senior Manager Air Traffic Control Department of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 1897 Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fax: 971 4 224 4558 Tel: 971 4 216 4030 Mobile: 971 50 4520990 E-mail: khalidalarif@dca.gov.ae |
Mr. Hesham Mohamed Bin Suloom |
ATC Supervisor Department of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 19642 Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fax: (971) 4 224 5098 Mobile: (971) 50 6441161 E-mail: hesham@uae.ac |
Mr. Ahmed Khadoom T. Al-Nauimi |
ATC Controller GHQAFAD P.O. Box 18775 Al Ain UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fax: (971-2) 4414320 Tel: (971-2) 4076012 Mobile: 971 506436416 |
Mr. Saeed Salem Al Jaberi |
ATC Controller General Civil Aviation Authority GHQAFAD P.O. Box 19988 Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Mobile: (971) 50 6434335 E-mail: Saeed03@hotmail.com |
Mr. Mohamed Al Kaabi |
ATC General Civil Aviation Authority GHQAFAD P.O. Box 20234 Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Mobile: (971) 506626623 |
Mr. Abubaker Salem Bafaqih |
Director General, ATS Civil Aviation and MET Authority Sanaa, REPUBLIC OF YEMEN Fax: (967) 1 344047 Tel: (967) 1 345402 Mobile: 73203695 E-mail: san1ans@y.net.ye |
Mr. Henk Hof (Speaker) |
Manager Strategy & Performance European ATM Strategy & Convergence EUROCONTROL Fax: 322 7299083 Tel: 322 7293329 Mobile: E-mail: hemk.hof@eurocontrol.int |
Mr. Jehad Faqir |
Regional Director Safety Operations and Infrastructure Middle East & North Africa International Air Transport Association (IATA) P.O. Box 940587 Amman 11194 – JORDAN Fax: (962-6) 593 9912 Tel: (962-6) 593 9919 Mobile: (962-7) 9966 559 E-mail: faqirj@iata.org |
Capt. Mohamed Hassoun |
Regional Vice President for MID/East Kontary, Clemanceau Str. El Khourafi Bldg 2022-6403 Beirut - LEBANON Fax: (96 11) 623612 Tel: (96 11) 623611 Mobile: 96 1 3 385555 E-mail: mhassoun@inco.com.lb |
Mr. Steven Bradford (Speaker) |
Chief Scientist Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Ave SW ATO-PSE Washington DC, USA 20591 Fax: 202 305 72 40 Tel: 202 385 72 45 Mobile: E-mail: Steve.Bradford@faa.gov |
Mr. Paul C. Bartko |
Senior Representative, Middle East FAA, U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi Fax: Tel: 971 2 414 2438 Mobile: E-mail: paul.bartko@faa.gov |
Mr. Gunnar F. Emausson |
Technical Officer, Air Traffic Management ICAO Air Navigation Bureau 999 University Street, Room 7.25.38 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7 Fax: (1 514) 9548197 Tel: (1 514) 954 8219 + 6190 Mobile: (1 514) 952 6190 E-mail: GEmausson@icao.int |
Eng. Mohamed Smaoui |
Regional Officer, AIS/MAP Middle East Office Fax: +2 (02) 267 4841/45 Tel: +2 (02) 267 4843![Call: +2 (02) 267 4843]() E-mail: msmaoui@cairo.icao.int |