Request for Information, to the attention of Telecommunication Service Providers
Prospective service providers interested in responding to this RFI are asked to issue a written RFI Response by 03 November 2014.
Prospective service providers willing to present their proposal on 9 December 2014 at the ICAO Asia-Pacific Regional Office located in 252/1 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand are requested to issue a copy of the presentation by 28 November 2014. Any presentation received after 28 November 2014 will not be accepted.
RFI Responses received between 03 November and 28 November will be accepted, but those service providers will not be invited to present at the 9 December meeting.
Non response to this RFI will not preclude any service providers from participating in a potential future Sealed Tender.
The Request For Information (RFI) consists of 4 documents:
1. CRV Introduction (MS Word)
2. Request For Information (RFI)
3. Response schedule (MS Word)
4. Site schedule (Excel format)
5. The CRV Concept of Operations (version 0.6), for information
6. Question/reply 1 (05 Sep. 14)
6.1 Question/reply 2 (22 Sep. 14)
6.2 Question/reply 3 (25 Sep. 14)
6.3 Question/reply 4 (30 Sep. 14)
6.4 Question/reply 5 (08 Oct. 14)
6.5 Question/reply 6 (15 Oct. 14)
6.6 Question/reply 7 17 Oct. 14)
6.7 Question/reply 8 (17 Oct. 14)
6.8 Question/reply 9 (17 Oct. 14)
("Use the right click and select “Save target as…” to download this excel and word files. If a pop-up “Windows Security” appears, requesting user and password, ignore it by pressing “Cancel”.)
Responses to RFI
A hard copy response, with its corresponding electronic version, is requested by 17h00 (ICT) on 03 November 2014 to the attention of:
Asia Pacific CRV TF
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Asia and Pacific Office (ICAO-APAC)
252/1 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Electronic version is to be sent to: