ICAO Regional Aviation Safety Group – Pan America
(RASG-PA) Aviation Safety Seminar
Mexico City, Mexico, 14 to 15 January 2015


Invitation Letter


​# Item ​Title ​Date Language
P-01 ​-- ​Excursión de Pista (available only in Spanish), Presented by Mexico ​-- ​--
P-02 ​-- ​Precipitación intensa factor contribuyente en excursiones de pista OACI (available only in Spanish), Presented by Mexico --​ ​--
​P-03 ​-- Regional Safety Perspective / Perspectiva Regional de Seguridad Operacional (Available only in English), Presented by ​Flight Safety Foundation ​-- ​--
​P-04 ​-- ​International Airlines Safety Concerns in the Caribbean Region (Available only in English), Presented by American Airlines ​-- ​--
P-05 ​-- ​Pérdida de control en vuelo (LOC-I) (available only in Spanish), Presented by ASPA ​-- --​​
​P-06 ​-- ​Colisión en el Aire (MAC) — Experiencias, Presented by Cuba ​-- ​--
​P-07 --​ RASG-PA Activities (Disponible únicamente en español)​, Presented by the Secretariat ​14/01/15
​P-08 ​-- ​Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UP&RT) Provisions (Disponible únicamente en español), Presented by the Secretariat 14/01/15
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