Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted)

The ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted) assists Member States in implementing Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention by providing guidance on how to apply its Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). Annex 17 and Doc 8973 are constantly being reviewed and amended in light of new threats and technological developments that have a bearing on the effectiveness of measures designed to prevent acts of unlawful interference. 


Requests for copies of Doc 8973 and queries regarding available language editions (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) should be submitted directly to ICAO’s Document Sales Unit (sales@icao.int). As distribution of Doc 8973 is restricted to authorized entities and individuals, sales may be subject to approval by the ICAO Aviation Security Policy Section, and/or by the designated authority for aviation security in each respective Member State of the Organization.
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