Strategic Planning Coordination and Partnerships’ Office - SPCP


Consistent with Article 44 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, among the aims and objectives of ICAO are to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster the planning and development of international air transport, so as to meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport. During the 209th Session, the Council approved the Secretary General’s plan (C-DEC 209/7) to establish the Strategic Planning, Coordination and Partnerships (SPCP) Office.

Structure and Responsibilities

Under the direction of the Secretary General, SPCP is responsible for the coordination of high-level and cross-cutting strategies and priorities among the different ICAO Bureaus and Offices, as well as coordination activities between Headquarters and the Regional Offices, providing clear benefits, efficiencies and synergies to the Organization. In line with the No Country Left Behind initiative and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, SPCP advocates and promotes the interlinkages between aviation, ICAO’s strategic objectives, and the Sustainable Development Goals, by representing ICAO in a number of UN-led interagency task forces, working groups and platforms and through coordination with Member States, relevant authorities beyond the air transport sector, the donor community, and all relevant stakeholders, including the UN system entities.

SPCP is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the ICAO Business Plan and Operating Plans, Corporate Performance Management Framework, Corporate Key Performance Indicators, and  Enterprise Risk Management programme, which forms the basis for resource allocation and assists the Secretary General in monitoring the organization’s accountability and performance with respect to the implementation of Assembly Resolutions and Council Decisions. SPCP facilitates the development and leveraging of strategic partnerships for the enhancement of Member States’ air transport systems and for the mobilization of resources needed to implement necessary improvements. Additionally, SPCP leads the effort, in coordination with other ICAO Bureaus, Regional Offices and UN entities, to facilitate effective information flows related to Crisis and Rapid Response, having an ICAO-wide impact.

Organizational Chart

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