Digital Learning

 Integrating Digital Learning into Cabin Crew Training

​Digital learning offers opportunities to improve cabin crew competencies, including knowledge and skills. It can offer simulated training environments unavailable in a traditional classroom environment. The goal of digital learning is to enhance safety, through well trained and competent aviation professionals.


Digital learning is not meant to replace classroom training, hands-on exercises or traditional simulated exercises in their entirety. Based on the technological methods used, digital learning can recreate a realistic environment that best simulates real line operations. This level of realism in training reinforces the development and application of cabin crew competencies alternatively trained in a classroom setting or through hands-on exercises.

 ICAO Guidance Material

​ICAO developed the Guidelines on Digital Learning for Cabin Crew Training (Cir 356) to provide guidance on designing, developing and using digital learning for cabin crew safety training. They also provide basic concepts and information on the processes and resources involved in digital learning development.


These guidelines focus on formal learning, specifically on structured courses designed to meet job-related learning objectives for cabin crew. An effectively implemented digital learning programme complements the dynamic aviation training environment by providing positive learning and training enhancements.


To obtain a copy of the Guidelines for Digital Learning on Cabin Crew Training (Cir 356), please visit:

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