The Accident Investigation Section (AIG) is responsible for developing and updating Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for inclusion in Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation; monitoring developments in accident investigation techniques and practices as well as accident prevention matters; monitoring developments in system safety concepts and practices, contributing to the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan and the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP); managing safety recommendations addressed to ICAO; conducting and participating in seminars on aircraft accident investigation and prevention.
The AIG Section provides guidance on the following subjects:
aircraft accident and incident investigation;
accident and incident reporting (ADREP);
training for aircraft accident investigators;
hazards at aircraft accident sites;
providing information to aircraft accident victims and their families;
accident and incident investigation policies and procedures; and
regional accident and incident investigation organization.
Investigators from the AIG Section participate from time to time as required or requested by Contracting States in investigations of accidents of heightened public attention or diplomatic sensitivity providing procedural guidance and suggestions to advance the investigation to the greatest extent possible.
The AIG Section supports the Accident Investigation Panel (AIGP) and the Flight Recorder Specific Working Group (FLIRECSWG).