The Safety Recommendation of Global Concern (SRGC) database was developed after the Accident Investigation and Prevention Divisional Meeting (2008) recommended that ICAO establish a system to make accessible, to all aviation stakeholders and the public, SRGCs issued by States, as well as the responses to the recommendations. A State letter was issued in 2011 requesting States to submit SRGCs to ICAO, providing guidelines for safety recommendations as well as the following definition of an SRGC:
A safety recommendation made to a State civil aviation authority, or to ICAO regarding a systemic deficiency having a probability of recurrence with the potential for significant consequences, and requiring timely action to improve safety.
A Safety Recommendation of Global Concern is defined by one or more of the following: SRGC criteria
Safety Recommendation of Global Concern decision chart:

The library of safety recommendations of global concern contains approximately 400 SRGC. Currently, States and the public could access as guests, It is envisaged to provide States the ability to update their SRGCs. To login as a guest the steps are as follows:
Ensure that the repository chosen is the SRIS_6100. The library is available only in English. Currently, it provides for guest login so the username and password are both “guest”.
The start-up user guide is at the following link: 
Although care was taken to ensure the accuracy of the database, it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies. Please do not hesitate to provide your comments to the