UAS Toolkit Home

​The narrative presents UAS best practices, lessons learned and regulations for your consideration. We believe that developing UAS guidance and regulations that consider public and aviation safety first, along with security and privacy protection while promoting industry, is an achievable mission.

Fly Safe/Fly Legal
​In order to ensure their safe operation, to encourage business and to provide societal benefits, all aircraft must share airspace in a safe, predictable and regulated manner.

Current State Regulations
​Existing UAS regulations from around the world.

UAS Toolkit        

​UAS operators, remote pilots and recreational pilots will benefit from the information contained in the toolkit as UAS operations grow in airspace traditionally occupied by manned operations.


​News related to unmanned aviation and related technology.

Disclaimer: The following content is hosted outside of ICAO and we do not take any responsibility for any of the content hosted.


Commonly asked questions and answers associated with unmanned aviation.



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