This page outlines Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) training opportunities currently offered by ICAO.
The USOAP CMA training courses are designed to provide State nominees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to become qualified auditors, ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission subject matter experts (ICVM SMEs), and/or SSPIA assessors.

In addition, non-nominated State employees, aviation industry experts as well as other interested parties may complete the training to enhance their competencies in the areas addressed by the USOAP CMA. States are strongly encouraged to nominate and train female staff in line with ICAO’s Assembly commitment to gender equality and advancement of women in aviation.
Minimum Entry Requirements for USOAP Training
- University degree, preferably in an aviation-related technical discipline, or equivalent qualifications and experience;
- At least 2 years of work experience with a civil aviation organization as an engineer, inspector, auditor or aircraft accident investigator in any one of the USOAP CMA audit areas;
- Understanding of ICAO and its functions and activities;
- Good command of written and spoken English; and
- Ability to use office automation equipment and contemporary computer software.
Categories of Trainees
Based on their purpose and status, USOAP recognizes the following categories of trainees:

| State-nominated Prospective Auditors, SMEs and Assessors
Prospective ICAO auditors, ICVM experts and SSPIA assessors, nominated by their States and recognized organizations will be trained at no cost. Upon qualifying, these experts are expected to be available to participate in two USOAP CMA activities per year, including off-site validations as requires.

| State Personnel, not Nominated for Auditors, SMEs and Assessors
State aviation safety personnel not nominated by their State to train for auditors, SMEs and assessors may enroll in USOAP training courses for a reduced fee. They will enhance their competencies in the areas addressed by USOAP CMA without becoming qualified USOAP auditors, ICVM experts and assessors.

| Industry Experts
Most of USOAP training courses are now available for a fee to industry experts who are looking to expand their knowledge in one of the audit areas related to USOAP CMA. These candidates will not qualify for participation in USOAP CMA activities.
USOAP CMA Training Courses