
This “project-based partnership opportunities” initiative, which is launched under the umbrella of a larger and broader ICAO partnership programme, aims to provide a platform for collaboration with, and support from the private sector and civil society, on projects of joint interests. The United Nations system recognizes the importance for the active engagement with non-state actors and their contribution to specific projects under their respective work programmes. To that effect, in 2005 the United Nations Office of Partnerships was established. Following in their footsteps and spirit, ICAO has launched The ICAO Project-based Partnership Opportunities, TIPPO.


TIPPO will continue to collaborate with all United Nations agencies and foundation to further promote, implement and sustain civil aviation related projects and foster innovative strategies for engaging non-state actors with ICAO. In addition, and of equal importance, the TIPPO will continue to coordinate strategies to strengthen ICAO’s expertise and capacity at head-quarters and regional office, to engage corporations, foundations, and individuals in ICAO generated projects and to support the ICAO global civil aviation in its advocacy and outreach efforts to continue the building towards a united and inter-connected civil aviation community.


There is a shared responsibility requiring collaborative & coordinated efforts and actions between all types of organizations and states related to the sharing, disseminating, capacity building, and innovating on the part of civil aviation authorities, the private sector and civil society.


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