Seventh Meeting of the APIRG Infrastructure and Information Management Sub-Group (IIM/SG7)

 Dakar, Senegal, 5 to 8 August 2024


    Final Report  (later)                                                  

  Report letter   (later)                                         

 Report Appendices  (later)                                  


​Invitation letter 

​Provisional Agenda

​Explanatory note of agenda 

​IIM-SG Termes of Reference

​Information Bulletin

​Template Working Paper 


​Agenda Item 1 - Adoption of the Agenda and the Work Programme

​WP1.1 – Provisional Agenda and Explanatory Note

​Agenda Item 2: Status of the implementation of Conclusions and Decisions of the IIM/SG6 Meeting and APIRG/26 Meeting applicable to the Sub-group​ ​

​WP2.1 Review of the Conclusions/Decisions of the Fifth Meeting of the Infrastructure and Information Management Sub-Group (IIM/SG6)

​​WP2.1 - Appendix A

​WP2.2 Review of the Conclusions of the APIRG/26 Meeting applicable to IIM/SG

​​WP2.2 - Appendix A

​WP2.3 Establishment of the Flight and Flow – Information for Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) task force

​​WP2.3 - Appendix A

​​WP2.3 - Appendix B

​Agenda Item 3 : Achievements in Infrastructure and Information Management

​ ​
​WP3.1A Actions taken by the Secretariat on the amendment
of Volumes I & II of the AFI eANP

WP3.2A - Operationalization of ASBU data collection and Reporting tool

​WP3.2B Update on the status of implementation of ASBU elements in CNS, AIM and MET fields

​WP3.3A Evaluation du projet COM 1 : Mise en place de communication sol/sol (ATS/DS, AIDC, VoIP )

​WP3.3B Progress report on the Implementation of Ground/Ground communication project

​WP3.3C Progress report on the implementation of Air/Ground communication (HF/VHF voice data, CPDLC) Project

​WP3.3D Progress report of APIRG IIM Project 4

​WP3.3E Achievements of COM 5 Project on Assessment of AFI Air Navigation Services Cyber Resilience project

​WP3.3G Progress report of the APIRG IIM SURV Project

​WP3.3H Progress of the Aeronautical Frequency Management Project- SPEC Project

​WP3.3I Updates on APIRG IIM/SG regional Projects - AIM Project 4 and AIM Project 5

​WP3.3K Achievements of APIRG IIM/SG regional Projects MET Project 1

​WP3.3L Réalisations du Project IIM MET 2 – Fourniture d'informations météorologiques selon le Modèle OACI d'échange d'informations météorologiques au format numérique (IWXXM)

​WP3.3M Progress in the implementation of the APIRG IIM MET Project 3 on the Implementation of Annex 3 provision relating to space weather requirements within the AFI Region

​WP3.3N Progress report of the APIRG IIM MET Project 4

​WP3.3O Etat de mise en oeuvre du Projet MET 5 - Atténuation des carences liées à la disponibilité des données OPMET dans la région AFI

​WP3.3P IIM Projects Documents and Costing

​WP3.4A Progress Update on AFI VSAT networks : SADC and NAFISAT

​WP3.4B Implementation of Ground/Ground Communication (AFTN and AMHS) in South Africa

​WP3.5A Transformative blockchain approach to enhance security, efficiency and transparency

​WP3.5B Green air traffic management towards net-zero 2050

​WP3.5C Outcomes of the Second volcanic ash exercise of the AFI Region

​WP3.5D - Update on the progress of the RBIS Project

​WP3.5E – Update on the progress of the CODEVMET-AFI project

WP3.5G new SADIS API services

PPT 3.5G World Area Forecast System (WAFS) SIGWX upgrade

​WP3.5I - Update on the ANS Summit praparatory activities

​WP3.5I - Appandix A - Report of the Work@Lab 1

​WP3.5I - Appendix B - State letter of clarification

​PPT 3.5G - Attachment

​Agenda Item 4 : Air navigation deficiencies

​WP4.1A - Update on Status of the implementation of CNS, AIM and MET related BBBs

​WP4.1B - Scope of Minimum Reporting Areas

​WP4.1C - Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in CNS, AIM and MET fields

​​Agenda Item 5 : Implementation challenges of the Sub-group

​WP5.1 - Challenges faced by the IIM/SG in the implementation of projects

​WP5.2 - Implementation of MET requirements in the ESAF Region- challenges and opportunities

​​Agenda Item 6 : Activities to be coordinated with the RASG-AFI SSTs

​WP6.1 - Conclusions & Decisions to be coordinated with RASG-AFI SSTs

​Agenda Item 7 : Proposed recommendations/actions to be taken by ICAO HQ

​WP7.1 - Recommendations/actions to be taken by ICAO HQ

​​Agenda Item 8 : Review of the Terms of Reference and Work Programme of the Sub-Group

​WP8.1 - Review of the Terms of Reference and the Work programme of the IIM/SG

​WP8.1 - Appandix A

​WP8.1 - Appendix B

​WP8.1 - Appendix C


​IP01 Work Programme - Order of business

​IP3.4A - Regional cooperation between AFI ANSP in terms of AIXM databases

IP3.4B - WMO activities of relevance to ICAO

IP3.4C - WMO partnering with ICAO for improved aviation meteorological services in Africa

​IP3.4D - Coordination entre CVM et CMA pour la gestion des SIGMET, cas du CVM de Dakar

​IP3.4D - PPT

IP3.5A - Update on the Enhancement of APIRG and RASG-AFI Structure

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