Effective Use of Checklists in Certification and Surveillance Workshop

(On Zoom, 4 August 2022, 14:00-17:00 hrs., Bangkok time)

collapse Type Name : 2022 COSCAP-SEA-UK CAAi-checklists ‎(3)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(3)
Registration Form COSCAP SEA-UK CAAi Effective use of checklists in Certification and Surveillance 4 AUG 2022.docx01Registration form28 JUN 2022COSCAP-SEA 
MOA Compliance Checklist.docx02Compliance Checklist28 JUN 2022UK CAAi 
caa-sms-evaluation-tool-rev6.docx03SMS Evaluation tool28 JUN 2022UK CAAi 


For further information please contact:

Sudhatai JUNTARAPRATIN (Ms. Khun Nong)

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