ICAO Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar

(Bangkok, Thailand 13-15 December 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 ADA2023 ‎(19)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
Invitation Letter.pdf01Invitation Letter10 October 2023Secretariat 
Seminar programme_revised.pdf02Seminar Programme (as of 13 December 2023)13 December 2023Secretariat 
Seminar Bulletin.pdf03Seminar Bulletin10 October 2023Secretariat 
List of Hotels with Preferential Rates.pdf04List of Hotels with Preferential Rates10 October 2023Secretariat 
ICAO APAC Health and Safety Information for Meeting Participants.PDF05ICAO APAC Health and Safety Information for Meeting Participants10 October 2023Secretariat 
ICAO APAC Vehicle Registration.pdf06Vehicle Registration (for parking)10 October 2023Secretariat 
Doc1.pdfInfo for Visitorshttps://www.icao.int/APAC/Pages/info-for-visitors.aspx10 October 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Documents ‎(12)
Group Photo ADA 2023.pdf01Group Photo13 December 2023Secretariat 
ICAO Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar - List of Participants.pdf02List of Participants14 December 2023Secretariat 
Opening Remarks - Aviation Data and Analysis Seminar.pdf03Opening Remarks on behalf of ICAO APAC Regional Director13 December 2023ICAO 
Presentation of key trends in air transport_2023.pdf04Day 1 - Presentation of key trends in air transport in Asia Pacific13 December 2023ICAO 
Providing Key Decision Making Tools (ICAO data+, Aero-Tariffs)_2023.pdf05Day 1 - Providing Key Decision Making Tools (ICAO data+, Aero-Tariffs)13 December 2023ICAO 
UPU Presentation - International logistics constraints on e-commerce.pdf06Day 1 - International logistics constraints on e-commerce: a postal perspective13 December 2023Universal Postal Union (UPU) 
ICAO aviation personnel and gender_2023.pdf07Day 1 - Aviation Personnel and Gender Statistics13 December 2023ICAO 
ICAO Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards.pdf08Day 2 - ICAO Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards14 December 2023ICAO 
2_2 - Market Monitoring Information (ANAC Brazil).pdf09Day 2 - Market Monitoring Information14 December 2023ANAC Brazil 
3_1 - Forecast and Economic Impact Analysis_2023.pdf10Day 3 - ICAO Traffic Forecasts and Economic Impact Analysis15 December 2023ICAO 
3_2 - Introduction to Air Transport Statistics.pdf11Day 3 - Introduction of Air Transport Statistics15 December 2023ICAO 
3_3 - Global Aviation Competitiveness Index.pdf12Day 3 - Global Aviation Competitiveness Working Group (ACWG)15 December 2023ICAO 

For further information please contact:

Mr. Parakrama Dissanayake

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