​ICAO Workshop on APAC Seamless ANS Reporting Tool

(Bangkok, Thailand, 17 April to 19 April 2024)

collapse Type Name : 2024 Seamless ANS-WS ‎(17)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of ANS Reporting Tool Workshop.pdfFinal Report of Seamless ANS Report Tool Workshop23 April 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(7)
AP013-24(CNS)_State Letter_Seamless ANS Reporting Tool Workshop_no attm.pdf01Invitation Letter19 January 2024Secretariat 
Attachment A_AP013-24_Provisional Programme.pdf02Provisional Agenda19 January 2024Secretariat 
Attachment B_AP013-24_Workshop Bulletin.pdf03Workshop Bulletin19 January 2024Secretariat 
Attachment C_AP013-24_Registration of MS Account.pdf04Registration of MS Account19 January 2024Secretariat 
Attachment D_AP013-24_Point of contact for Seamless ANS reporting.pdf05Current Point of Contact for Seamless ANS Reporting 19 January 2024Secretariat 
Attachment 1 - Seamless ANS - List of participants_rev2.pdf06List of Participants18 April 2024Secretariat 
20240417 Group Photo SEAMLESS ANS-WS.pdf07Group Photo - Seamless ANS Workshop19 April 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
Seamless ANS Plan v3.0-April 2024.pdfSP01Seamless ANS Plan v3.017 April 2024Secretariat 
ANS Reporting Tool Workshop_v2.pdfSP02ICAO Workshop on APAC Seamless ANS Reporting Tool17 April 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : References ‎(7)
1. Seamless ANS Workshop Provisional Programme as of 5 Apr 2024.pdf01Seamless ANS Workshop Provisional Programme as of 5 Apr 202412 April 2024Secretariat 
2. ANS Reporting User Guide Version 1.0.pdf02ANS Reporting User Guide Version 1.012 April 2024Secretariat 
3. Registration of Microsoft Account.pdf03Registration of Microsoft Account12 April 2024Secretariat 
4. Microsoft Authenticator App.pdf04`Microsoft Authenticator App12 April 2024Secretariat 
5. APAC Regional Seamless ANS Reporting Form 3.0.pdf05APAC Regional Seamless ANS Reporting Form 3.012 April 2024Secretariat 
6. Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Version 3.0.pdf06Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Version 3.012 April 2024Secretariat 
7. Exported Data from old portal.rar07Exported Data from old portal12 April 2024Secretariat 

 For further information please contact:

Mr. Luo Yi

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