Workshop for preparation of new-CRV requirements and specifications for future SWIM/other aviation services 

(Guam, USA, 17-20 September 2024)

collapse Type Name : SWIM Workshop and PSIDS Meeting ‎(24)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(2)
Report of CRV req Workshop for SWIM.pdf01Final Report of CRV Requirement Workshop for SWIM9 October 2024Secretariat 
Action Items CRV Workshop.xls02Action Items CRV Workshop9 October 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
AP069-24-CNS-Invitation to Workshop for CRV req for SWIM_without attachment.pdf01Invitation Letter27 May 2024Secretariat 
AP069-24 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda_Workshop_final.pdf02Provisional Agenda - Workshop27 May 2024Secretariat 
AP069-24 - Attachment B - Provisional Agenda_PSIDS Meeting.pdf03Provisional Agenda - PSIDS Meeting27 May 2024Secretariat 
Draft Workshop Bulletin for CRV req for SWIM services v1.0.pdf04Workshop Bulletin28 May 2024Secretariat 
Att 1 - Participant list_CRV for SWIM WS_17-19Sep24_final.pdf05List of Participants - Workshop for New CRV requirements for SWIM 24 September 2024Secretariat 
Att 2 - Participant list_CRV for SWIM PSIDS_20Sep24_final.pdf06List of Participants - PSIDS Meeting 24 September 2024Secretariat 
OOB- CRV Working Session Programme.pdf07Order of Business - CRV Working Session Program18 September 2024Secretariat 
OOB- 1 day PSIDS Seminar Programme.pdf08Order of Business - PSIDS Seminar Program18 September 2024Secretariat 
Group Photo-New CRV for SWIM WS.pdf09Group Photo - SWIM Workshop and PSIDS Meeting18 September 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(8)
WP01_ICAO AI.1- Provisional Agenda_Workshop_final.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda10 September 2024Secretariat 
WP02_SGP AI.2 and 3- SIPG Lessons Learnt and CRV Expectations.pdfWP/02SWIM Implementation Pioneer Group Lessons Learnt and Expectations for New CRV10 September 2024SIPG 
WP03_SGP AI.5- SWIM Implementation Plan.pdfWP/03Regional SWIM and Implementation Plan10 September 2024SIPG 
WP04_HKC AI.3- Study on bandwidth used for ADS-B data being transmitted on SWIM_CRV v1.pdfWP/04Study on bandwidth used for ADS-B data being transmitted on SWIM/CRV15 September 2024Hong Kong, China 
WP05_NZ AI.3- Current CRV Architecture.pdfWP/05Current CRV Architecture16 September 2024New Zealand 
WP06_NZL AI.3- Possible New CRV Architecture.pdfWP/06Possible CRV Architecture16 September 2024New Zealand 
WP07_NZL AI.3- CRV PSIDS costs.pdfWP/07CRV PSIDS Costs16 September 2024New Zealand 
WP08_JPN AI.2 and 3-Analysis of SWIM over CRV Demonstration.pdfWP/08Analysis of SWIM over CRV Demonstration17 September 2024Japan 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
SP01- CRV-SWIM Workshop discussion topics v2.0.pdfSP/01CRV-SWIM Workshop discussion topics v2.05 September 2024CRV OG Co-Chair 
SP02- PACIFIC SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES (PSIDS) Meeting discussion.pdfSP/02PACIFIC SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES (PSIDS) Meeting discussion5 September 2024Secretariat 
SP03_ICAO PSIDS- SWIM-Enabled Network Support for ATM Operations_rev 1.0.pdfSP/03PSIDS- SWIM-Enabled Network Support for ATM Operations16 September 2024Secretariat 
SP04_NZL_PSIDS workshop Guam September 2024 - Vaughan.pdfSP/04The potential solution: CRV - Pacific States CRV Implementation  16 September 2024New Zealand 
SP05_FIJI_PSIDS workshop Guam September 2024 - Kelepi.pdfSP/05Current Status of Pacific Island ATS connectivity 16 September 2024Fiji 

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