Eighth Meeting of the Aerodromes Operations and Planning Sub-Group (AOP/SG/8)

(Bangkok, Thailand,  15 July to 19 July 2024)

collapse Type Name : 2024 AOP/SG/8 ‎(72)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
!Final Report of AOPSG-8.pdf01Final Report of AOP/SG/830 Aug. 2024Secretariat 
Appendices to the Report.pdf02Appendices to the Report30 Aug. 2024Secretariat 
Attachments to the Report.pdf03Attachments to the Report30 Aug. 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP038 - Invitation Letter - AOP SG-8 Meeting.pdf01Invitation Letter6 Mar. 2024Secretariat 
AP038 - Att-A - Provisional Agenda.pdf02Provisional Agenda6 Mar. 2024Secretariat 
List of Exhibitor_AOP SG 8.pdf03List of Exhibitor10 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
ORDER OF BUSINESS_Rev. 02.pdf04Order of Business - Revision 214 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
Group Photo.pdf05Group Photo16 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(33)
WP01 AI1 - Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of Provisional Agenda24 Jun. 2024Secretariat 
WP02, AI2 - Relevant Outcomes of DGCA-58.pdfWP/02Action Items from 58th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Asia and Pacific Regions24 Jun. 2024Secretariat 
WP03, AI2 - Outcome of APANPIRG 34.pdfWP/03Relevant Outcomes of APANPIRG/34 and APAC Action Plan24 Jun. 2024Secretariat 
WP04, AI2 - Action on AOP SG - 7.pdfWP/04Actions on AOP/SG/7 Conclusions and Decisions25 Jun. 2024Secretariat 
WP05 AI 2- RELEVANT OUTCOMES OF ATM_SG_11 ATFM_SG_14 AAITF_19 AND APAC ATM CONTINGENCY PLANNING WS ver0.3.pdfWP/05Relevant Outcomes of ATM/SG/11, ATFM/SG/14, AAITF/19 and ICAO APAC/MID ATM Contingency Planning Workshop8 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP06 AI 3 - Update of APAC Seamless ANS Plan.pdfWP/06Update of APAC Seamless ANS Plan11 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP07, AI3 - APAC Air Navigation Plan.pdfWP/07Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Plan4 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP08, AI4 - Report of AP-ADOTF-5.pdfWP/08Report on the Fifth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Aerodrome Design and Operations Task Force (AP-ADO/TF/5)28 Jun. 2024Chairperson of AP-ADO/TF 
WP09, AI4 - Report of AP-AA WG-6 10_Jun 2024.pdfWP/09Report on the Sixth Meeting of Asia/Pacific Aerodrome Assistance Working Group (AP-AA/WG/6)4 Jul. 2024Chairperson of AP-AA/WG 
WP10, AI4 - AP-WHM WG-6.pdfWP/10Report on the Sixth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Wildlife Hazard Management Working Group (AP-WHM/WG/6)25 Jun. 2024Chairman of AP-WHM/WG 
WP11, AI4 REV 1 - Cert of Aerodromes.pdfWP/11            Revision 1Certification of Aerodromes in the Asia/Pacific Region14 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP12, AI4 - ICAO USOAP and AGA Findings [OLF].pdfWP/12ICAO USOAP CMA and AGA Findings8 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP13 AI 4_REV 2 - Report of SWG - Organizing Workshop on Transposition of AN 14 SARPs_Final.pdfWP/13           Revision 2Report of Small Working Group (SWG) for Task 5/2 of Asia/Pacific Aerodrome Design and Operations Task Force (AP-ADO/TF) on Organizing Workshop on the Transposition of Annex 14 SARPs into National Standards8 Jul. 2024Malaysia 
WP14 AI 4 - Strategies for Hazardous Lights in Evolving Airport Environments.pdfWP/14Strategies for Hazardous Lights in Evolving Airport Environments4 Jul. 2024ROK and  Co-sponsored by Australia 
WP15 AI 4 - Fiji OLS Issue_final.pdfWP/15Obstacle Limitation Surface Requirements for Smaller Airports4 Jul. 2024Fiji 
WP16 AI 4 - Fiji ARFFS Issue_final.pdfWP/16Rescue & Fire Fighting Requirements for Small Airports4 Jul. 2024Fiji 
WP17, AI5_REV 1 - Air Navigation Deficiencies in AOP.pdfWP/17            Revision 1Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in AOP Field10 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP18, AI8 - Update of the AOPSG Task List.pdfWP/18APANPIRG AOP Sub-Group Task List8 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP19, AI10 - Provisional Agenda, Date and Venue of Next Meeting.pdfWP/19Provisional Agenda, Date and Venue of Next Meeting8 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
WP20 AI 6 - ACI Single use plastic and biodiversity.pdfWP/20Elimination of Single Use-Plastic and Biodiversity Management at Airports11 Jul. 2024ACI 
WP20 ACI env paper presentation ICAO AOPSG8.pdfWP/20             PresentationElimination of Single Use-Plastic and Biodiversity Management at Airports30 Jul. 2024ACI 
WP21 AI 4 - INTEGRATION OF ADVANCED AIR MOBILITY ELEMENTS WITH EXISTING HELIPORTS  CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD.pdfWP/21Integration of Advanced Air Mobility elements with existing heliports - Challenges and Way Forward11 Jul. 2024Hong Kong China 
WP22 AI7 - Improving the quality and efficiency of airport construction with digital building technology.pdfWP/22Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Airport Construction with Digital Building Technology12 Jul. 2024China 
WP22-Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Airport Construction.pdfWP/22             PresentationImproving the Quality and Efficiency of Airport Construction with Digital Building Technology30 Jul. 2024China 
WP23 AI 9 - Implementation of Evaluating the Airport Pavement bearing Strength by ACR-PCR Software in China.pdfWP/23Implementation of Evaluating the Airport Pavement Bearing Strength by ACR-PCR Software in China12 Jul. 2024China 
WP23-Implementation of evaluating the ACR-PCR Software in China.pdfWP/23              PresentationImplementation of Evaluating the Airport Pavement Bearing Strength by ACR-PCR Software in China30 Jul. 2024China 
WP24 AI 9 - Challenges and Coping Strategies for the Adjustment of Aerodrome Pavement Strength Report.pdfWP/24             Revision 1Challenges and Countermeasures for the Adjustment of Aerodrome Pavement Strength Report Format18 Jul. 2024China 
WP24 CHALLENGES AND COUNTERMEASURES FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF AERODROME PAVEMENT STRENGTH REPORT FORMAT.pdfWP/24            PresentationChallenges and Countermeasures for the Adjustment of Aerodrome Pavement Strength Report Format30 Jul. 2024China 
WP25 AI 4 - TOLERANCE IN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AERODROME v 1.1 [09072024].pdfWP/25Tolerance in Physical Characteristics of Aerodrome11 Jul. 2024Malaysia 
WP25 - AOP Tolerances in Physical Characteristic.pptx.pdfWP/25            PresentationTolerance in Physical Characteristics of Aerodrome30 Jul. 2024Malaysia 
WP26 AI9 - THE AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS OF C919.pdfWP/26The Airport Characteristic of C91912 Jul. 2024China 
WP26 - THE AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS OF C919 presentation.pdfWP/26              PresentationThe Airport Characteristic of C91930 Jul. 2024China 
WP27 AI 9 - Supply and Use of Information on Earthquakes.pdfWP/27Supply and Use of Information on Earthquakes14 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(29)
IP01_REV 3 - List of Papers and Presentations.pdfIP/01            Revision 3List of Papers and Presentations18 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP02 AI 2 - RASG-APAC 13 Outcomes.pdfIP/02RASG-APAC/13 Meeting Outcomes10 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP03 AI4 - ICAO HQ Update on AGA Matters.pdfIP/03ICAO HQ Update on AGA Matters3 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP04 AI4 - ROK_Comprehensive Wildlife Hazard Management.pdfIP/04Comprehensive Wildlife Hazard Management3 Jul. 2024ROK 
Comprehensive Wildlife Hazard Management - IP04.pdfIP/04             PresentationComprehensive Wildlife Hazard Management30 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP05, AI 4 - USOAP CMA PQ 2020 Ed-SSPIA.pdfIP/05USOAP CMA Protocol Questions – 2020 Edition and State Safety Programme Implementation Assessment11 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP06, AI4 - ICAO Initiatives for Assistance to States in AGA Area.pdfIP/06ICAO Initiatives for Assistance to States in AGA Area12 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP07, AI4 - GRF Implementation.pdfIP/07Enhanced Global Reporting Format for Assessing and  Reporting Runway Surface Conditions (GRF)11 Jul. 2024Secretariat 
IP08 AI6 - ROK_Effective Airport Noise Management for Harmonious Coexistence.pdfIP/08Effective Airport Noise Management for Harmonious Coexistence3 Jul. 2024ROK 
Effective Airport Noise Management for Harmonious Coexistence_IP08.pdfIP/08             PresentationEffective Airport Noise Management for Harmonious Coexistence30 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP09 AI7 - ROK_Baggage Handling System Optimization and Automation.pdfIP/09Baggage Handling Systems Optimization and Automation3 Jul. 2024ROK 
Baggage Handling System Optimization and Automation_IP09.pdfIP/09             PresentationBaggage Handling Systems Optimization and Automation30 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP10 AI7 - ROK_Digital Apron Tower- Transforming Airport Operations.pdfIP/10Digital Apron Tower: Transforming Airport Operations3 Jul. 2024ROK 
Digital Apron Tower- Transforming Airport Operations_IP10.pdfIP/10              PresentationDigital Apron Tower: Transforming Airport Operations30 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP11 AI7 - ROK_Initial Study on Airport Operation Innovation.pdfIP/11Initial Study on Airport Operation Innovation3 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP12 AI9 - ROK_Strategies for Implementing ACR-PCR.pdfIP/12Strategies for Implementing ACR-PCR3 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP13 AI9 - ROK_Global Aviation Industry Trends_modified.pdfIP/13Global Aviation Industry Trends3 Jul. 2024ROK 
Global Aviaiton Industry Trends_modified_IP13.pdfIP/13              PresentationGlobal Aviation Industry Trends30 Jul. 2024ROK 
IP14 AI 9 - MLY_Implementation Roadmap and Challenges in Malaysia Transition from ACN PCN to ACR PCR.pdfIP/14Implementation Roadmap and Challenges in Malaysia’s Transition From ACN-PCN to ACR-PCR System for Aerodrome Pavement Bearing Strength8 Jul. 2024Malaysia 
IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP AND CHALLENGES IN MALAYSIA_IP14.pdfIP/14           PresentationImplementation Roadmap and Challenges in Malaysia’s Transition From ACN-PCN to ACR-PCR System for Aerodrome Pavement Bearing Strength30 Jul. 2024Malaysia 
IP15 AI 4 - Seaplane Operation in Maldives.pdfIP/15Seaplane Operations in the Maldives12 Jul. 2024Maldives 
IP16 AI 4 - Challenges in ERP  RFFS.pdfIP/16Challenges in Emergency Response and RFFS for Seaplane Operations12 Jul. 2024Maldives 
IP17 AI 4 - AAI_The Airport Master Plan Designing_AAI.pdfIP/17The Airport Master Plan Designing13 Jul. 2024India 
The Airport Master Plan Designing_IP17.pdfIP/17              PresentationThe Airport Master Plan Designing30 Jul. 2024India 
IP18 AI 6 - CIAL_Green Initiatives at CIAL.pdfIP/18Green Initiatives at Cochin International Airport13 Jul. 2024India 
Green Initiatives at Cochin International Airport_IP18.pdfIP/18            PresentationGreen Initiatives at Cochin International Airport30 Jul. 2024India 
IP19 AI 7 - BIAL_Penalty Point System for Vehicle_Equipment.pdfIP/19Penalty Point System for Vehicle & Equipment13 Jul. 2024India 
IP20 AI 7 - AAI_The Digi Yatra Journey.pdfIP/20The Digi Yatra Journey13 Jul. 2024India 
DigiYatra_Overview_IP20.pdfIP/20            PresentationThe Digi Yatra Journey30 Jul. 2024India 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
PPT 01_CAAV_ACV_USOAP AUDIT in Vietnam 2024.pdfPPT/01Preparation for ICAO USOAP CMA Audit in Viet Nam –Lessons Learned30 Jul. 2024Viet Nam 
PPT 02_Smart Airport Access Control and Runway Safety Technology with AI_GoldenWealth_20240718_v2.pdfPPT/02Smart Airport Access Control and Runway Safety Solution with AI30 Jul. 2024Golden Wealth Technology Ltd. Hong Kong, China 

 For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya Raj Shakya

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