Eleventh meeting of the Task Force for strengthening and evolving existing regional mechanism for regional cooperation, towards capability and capacity building and technical assistance (RCM TF)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 26 - 27 July 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023RCMTF11 ‎(26)
collapse Category : 1-Record of Discussion ‎(10)
RCM TF 11 Record of Discussion.pdf01Record of Discussion - RCMTF11 Meeting30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 1 - Meeting Participants - RCM TF 11 Meeting.pdf02Appendix 1 - Meeting Participants30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 2 - Agenda 1. Provisional Agenda.pdf03Appendix 2 - Agenda 1) Provisional Agenda30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 3 - Agenda 2. Record of Discussion RCM TF 10 Meeting.pdf04Appendix 3 - Agenda 2) Record of Discussion RCM TF 10 Meeting30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 4 - Agenda 3. Matters Arising from RCM TF 10 Meeting.pdf05Appendix 4 - Agenda 3) Matters Arising from RCMTF10 Meeting30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 5 - Agenda 4a) Status Update of Recommendations in Implementation Roadmap (IRM).pdf06Appendix 5 - Agenda 4a) Status Update of Recommendations in Implementation Roadmap (IRM)30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 6 - Agenda 4b) APAC Needs Survey Analysis.pdf07Appendix 6 - Agenda 4b) APAC Needs Survey Analysis30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 7 - Agenda 4c) Outline of DGCA Conf. Paper - Enhancing Regional Training Coordination.pdf08Appendix 7 - Agenda 4c) Outline of DGCA Conf. Paper - Enhancing Regional Training Coordination30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 8 - Agenda 5a) Examination of the feasibility of an APCAC - Part 1 Final Report.pdf09Appendix 8 - Agenda 5a) Examination of the feasibility of an APCAC - Part 1 Final Report30 August 2023Secretariat 
Appendix 9 - Agenda 5b) Examination of feasibility of an APCAC - Part 2 Discussion.pdf10Appendix 9 - Agenda 5b) Examination of feasibility of an APCAC - Part 2 Discussion30 August 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
Invitation Letter.pdf01Invitation Letter07 July 2023Secretariat 
Provisional Agenda.pdf02Provisional Agenda07 July 2023Secretariat 
Provisional Programme - 11 RCM TF Meeting.pdf03Provisional Programme24 July 2023Secretariat 
RCM Task Force - Focal Points (Revised 31Jul2023).pdf04RCMTF Focal Points31 July 2023Secretariat 
Final Participants (31.07).pdf05List of Participants - RCMTF1131 July 2023Secretariat 
Group Photo RCMTF11.pdf06Group Photo - RCMTF1126 July 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Meeting Documents ‎(10)
Agenda 2 - Adoption of Record of Discussion RCMTF - 10.pdf012) Adoption of Record of Discussion RCMTF10 Meeting25 July 2023Secretariat 
Agenda 3) Matters Arising from RCM TF 10 Meeting.pdf023) Matters Arising from RCMTF10 Meeting25 July 2023Singapore 
Agenda 4a) Implementation Roadmap (IRM).pdf034a) Implementation Roadmap (IRM)25 July 2023Singapore 
Agenda 4b) APAC Needs Survey Analysis.pdf044b) APAC Needs Survey Analysis25 July 2023Singapore 
Agenda 4c) Outline of DGCA Conference Paper on Enhancing Regional Training Coordination.pdf054c) Outline of DGCA Conference Paper on Enhancing Regional Training Coordination25 July 2023Singapore 
Agenda 5a) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt1 workstream - Information gathering (Final Report Clean).pdf065a) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt1 workstream - Information gathering (Final Report Clean)21 July 2023Part 1 Working Group 
Agenda 5a) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt1 workstream - Information gathering (Changes highlighted).pdf075a) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt1 workstream - Information gathering (Changes highlighted)21 July 2023Part 1 Working Group 
Agenda 5a) Presentation - Examination of the feasibility of an APCAC - Part 1 workstream - Information gathering.pdf085a) Presentation - Examination of the feasibility of an APCAC - Part 1 workstream26 July 2023Part 1 Working Group 
Agenda 5b) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt2 workstream - Identifying the problem and opportunities V1.pdf095b) Examination of feasibility of APCAC - Pt2 workstream - Identifying the problem and opportunities21 July 2023Part 2 Working Group 
Agenda 5b) Presentation - Examination of feasibility of an APCAC - Part 2 workstream.pdf105b) Presentation - Examination of feasibility of an APCAC - Part 2 workstream26 July 2023Part 2 Working Group 

For further information please contact:

Mr. Parakrama Dissanayake 

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