Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation Webinar for the APAC Region

(Video Teleconference - Microsoft Teams, 27 June 2023)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(10)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP057-23-RSO Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation Webinar for the APAC Region.pdf01Letter of Invitation13 April 2023Secretariat 
Attachment A - Programme Outline.pdf02Attachment A - Programme Outline13 April 2023Secretariat 
Attachment B - Webinar Bulletin.pdf03Attachment B - Webinar Bulletin13 April 2023Secretariat 
1. Order of Discussion.pdf04Order of Discussion26 June2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(6)
1.ICAO Wake Turbulence Groups.pdf01ICAO Wake Turbulence Groups28 June 2023Secretariat 
2.Implementation and Assessment of RECAT-CN in China.pdf02Implementation and Assessment of RECAT-CN in China28 June 2023China 
3.Experience sharing on the implementation of eWTS for arrival at HKIA.pdf03Experience sharing on the implementation of eWTS for arrival at HKIA28 June 2023Hong Kong China 
4.eWTS Implementation in Japan.pdf04eWTS Implementation in Japan28 June 2023Japan 
5.RECAT in ROK.pdf05RECAT in ROK28 June 2023Republic of Korea 
6.RECAT in London and Dubai -IFATCA.pdf06RECAT in London and Dubai -IFATCA28 June 2023IFATCA 

For further information please contact:

Mr.  Xu Zhi Feng (zxuu@icao.int) & Dr. Kwon Hyukjin (hykwon@icao.int

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