Thirteenth Meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia and Pacific Regions (RASG-APAC/13)

(Hong Kong, China, 18-19 December 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 RASG-APAC13 ‎(43)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report_RASG-APAC13.pdfFinal Report of RASG-APAC/13 Meeting15 January 2024 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(11)
RASG-APAC13 Group photo.pdf.Group Photo 
1. AP134-23-FS - INV RASG-APAC13_HKG.pdf01Invitation Letter19 September 2023 
2. AP134-23-FS Att A - Provisional Agenda_RASG-APAC13_HKG.pdf02Provisional Agenda19 September 2023 
Tentative Programme_RASG-APAC13_R2.pdf03Meeting Programme (Revision 2)19 December 2023 
4. AP134-23-FS Att C - Registration Form_RASG-APAC13_HKG.docx04Registration / Nomination Form19 September 2023 
4. AP134-23-FS Att C - Registration Form_RASG-APAC13_HKG.pdf04Registration / Nomination Form19 September 2023 
5. AP134-23-FS Att D - WP_IP TemplateRASG13_HKG.docx05WP/IP Template19 September 2023 
6. AP134-23-FS Att E - RASG13_Meeting Bulletin_HKG.pdf06Meeting Bulletin19 September 2023 
7. AP134-23-FS Att F - Provisional Programme of APICS 2023_HKG.pdf07Provisional Programme of APICS 202319 September 2023 
Information on logistics arrangement (RASG13) website.pdf08Information on Logistics Arrangement for Delegates 
Final List of Sponsors_RASG APAC 13 + Searidge.pdf09List of Sponsors15 December 2023 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(29)
RASG-APAC13 - WP-01 AI_1 - [SEC] Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of Agenda07 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-02 AI_2 - [SEC] Election of Chair and Vice Chair.pdfWP/02Election of Chair and Vice-chair07 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-03 AI_3 - [SEC] Review of ANC and Council of APANPIRG 33 and RASG.pdfWP/03Review of ANC and Council of APANPIRG/33 and RASG-APAC/12 Reports07 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-04 AI_3 - [SEC] Preparation for the ICAO Fourteenth Air Nav.pdfWP/04Preparation for the ICAO Fourteenth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/14)07 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-05 AI_3 - [SEC] Update on GNSP For 2026-2028.pdfWP/05Update On the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) For 2026-202807 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-06 AI_3 - [SEC] Global Aviation Safety Developments.pdfWP/06Global Aviation Safety Developments07 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-07 AI_3 - [SEC] Review of APRAST-19-20 Decisions and Conclusions.pdfWP/07Review of Decisions and Conclusions Adopted at APRAST/19 & 20 and Progress08 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-08 AI_3 - [AIG Chair] Update on Work Done by APAC-AIG.pdfWP/08Update on Work Done by APAC-AIG15 December 2023Chairman APAC-AIG 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-09 AI_3 - [SRP WG] Progress of Development of Annual Safety Report.pdfWP/09Progress of Development of Annual Safety Report08 December 2023SRP WG Co-chairs 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-10 AI_3 - [SEI WG] SEI Output Revision for RASG-APAC Consideration and Approval.pdfWP/10Updates by Safety Enhancement Initiative (SEI) WG08 December 2023SEI WG Co-chairs 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-11 AI_3 - [AP-RASP WG] Updates on AP-RASP WG.pdfWP/11Updates on the Progress Made by the Asia-Pacific Regional Aviation Safety Plan Working Group (AP-RASP WG)  13 December 2023AP-RASP WG Co-chairs 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-12 AI_3 - [SEC] Update on RASG-APAC Procedural Handbook.pdfWP/12Update on RASG-APAC Procedural Handbook15 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-13 AI_4 - [SEC] Review of Progress of RASG-APAC12 Decisions and Conclusions.pdfWP/13Review of Progress of RASG-APAC/12 Decisions and Conclusions08 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-14 AI_4 - [SEC] Update of RASG-APAC 2022-2023 Work Programme.pdfWP/14Update of RASG-APAC 2022/2023 Work Programme08 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-15 AI_5 - [SEC] Updates on the Implementation of Beijing Declaration.pdfWP/15Progress Update on Beijing Declaration Commitments08 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-16 AI_5 - [SIN] Improving Processes and Outputs for the APRAST.pdfWP/16 (Revision 1)Improving Processes and Outputs for the Asia-Pacific Regional Aviation Safety Team (APRAST)15 December 2023APRAST Co-Chairs 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-17 AI_5 - [INS] Establishment of NASP and its Monitoring.pdfWP/17Establishment of National Aviation Safety Plan and its Monitoring08 December 2023Indonesia 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-18 AI_5 - [USA] Advancing Safety Through Information Exchange.pdfWP/18Advancing Safety Through Information Exchange08 December 2023United States 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-19 AI_5 - [FSF] Regional Safety Assessment-Progress and follow up Action.pdfWP/19FSF Regional Safety Assessment – Progress Report and Proposed follow up Action08 December 2023Flight Safety Foundation 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-20 AI_5 - [SIN] Singapore’s Approach to Strengthening Safety Culture.pdfWP/20Singapore’s Approach to Strengthening Safety Culture08 December 2023Singapore 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-21 AI_5 - [SIN] Suspected Unapproved Parts.pdfWP/21Suspected Unapproved Parts08 December 2023Singapore 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-22 AI_5 - [USA] ANSPs Role in Regional Aviation Safety.pdfWP/22Air Navigation Service Providers’ Role in Regional Aviation Safety08 December 2023United States 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-23 AI_5 - [HKG] Risk-Based Facilitation for Small UA Applications in Hong Kong.pdfWP/23Risk-Based Facilitation for Small Unmanned Aircraft Applications in Hong Kong08 December 2023Hong Kong, China 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-24 AI_5 - [MAL] CAAM Digital Transformation towards Digital Licensing System.pdfWP/24CAAM Digital Transformation: Journey Towards Digital Licensing System 08 December 2023Malaysia 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-25 AI_5 - [MAL] Malaysia SDCPS CAAM Aviation Reporting System_CARES.pdfWP/25Malaysia SDCPS: CAAM Aviation Reporting System (CARES) 08 December 2023Malaysia 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-26 AI_5 - [SEC] Establishment of the Pacific Small Island Developing States Liaison Office.pdfWP/26Establishment of the Pacific Small Island Developing States Liaison Office08 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-27 AI_5 - [SEC] ICAO-APAC SISRM.pdfWP/27Updates on ICAO APAC Safety Implementation and Capacity Building Effort in 202317 December 2023Secretariat 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-28 AI_6 - [SEC] RASG-APAC Proposed 2023_2024 Work Programme.pdfWP/28Proposed RASG-APAC 2023-2024 Yearly and Standing Work Programmes08 December 2023APRAST Co-Chairs 
RASG-APAC13 - WP-29 AI_7 - [SEC] Outcomes of APANPIRG-34.pdfWP/29Outcomes of APANPIRG/3417 December 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(1)
RASG13-IP-02 AI_5 - [HKG] Safety management.pdfIP/02Safety Management for Post COVID-19 Pandemic Service Resumption of the Aviation Industry08 December 2023Hong Kong, China 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
CAACSRI Presentation File_RASG_APAC13.pdfComprehensive Solution for the Complex Electromagnetic Environment of Aeronautical Radio Aids15 December 2023The Second Research Institute of CAAC 

For further information please contact:

Mr. S M Nazmul Anam

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