ICAO – ACI Aerodromes Seminar on Airport Master Planning

(Bangkok, Thailand, 29 to 30 June 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 ICAO ACI Aerodromes Seminar ‎(25)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
!AP-027 - Invitation Letter - Aerodromes Seminar.pdf01Invitation Letter17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-027 - Att-A - Tentative Seminar Programme.pdf02Tentative Seminar Programme17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-027 - Att-B - Seminar Bulletin.pdf03Seminar Bulletin17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-027 - Att-C - Registration Form.docx04Registration Form17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
ICAO APAC RO Health and Safety Information for Meeting Participants.pdf05Health and Safety Information for participants17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
Aerodrome Seminar on Airport Master PLanning_Tentative Program_V11_29 June 2023.pdf06Tentative Seminar Programme30 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
List of Exhibitors and Sponsors_Aerodrome Seminar 2023.pdf07List of Exhibitors and Sponsors28 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
20230629 Aerodrome Seminar.pdf08Group Photo30 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
List of participants - Aerodromes Seminar as of 29 June 2023.pdf09List of participants6 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(16)
TS1-01_Overview of ICAO Provisions on Airport Master Planning.pdfTS1-01Overview of ICAO Provisions on Airport Master Planning1 Jul. 2023ICAO 
TS1-02_Airport Master Planning_ICAO ACI Aerodrome Seminar_CNutting.pdfTS1-02Airport Planning Overview1 Jul. 2023FAA, USA 
TS1-03_IATA Airport Development_Introduction_for ICAO.pdfTS1-03Airport Development Best Practices1 Jul. 2023IATA 
TS1-05_Japan_ICAO Seminer Presentation_v1.pdfTS1-05Future Vision of Narita Airport - Interim Report (March 2023) Outline1 Jul. 2023NAA, Japan 
TS1-06_Noida International Airport _ICAOAPAC 29-30 June.pptx.pdfTS1-06Noida International Airport Master Plan and Salient Features1 Jul. 2023NIAL, India 
TS1-07_NACO-ICAO Thailand v1.0.pptx.pdfTS1-07Preparing Airport Infrastructure for the Future. Sustainable & Resilient Master Planning1 Jul. 2023NACO, Netherlands  
TS1-08_To70 presentation.pptx.pdfTS1-08Total Airport Capacity Optimisation1 Jul. 2023To70, Netherlands 
TS2-01_APAC_ ICAO - ACI Aerodromes Seminar_v2.pdfTS2-01Climate Adaptation and Resilience and Innovation at Airports1 Jul. 2023ICAO 
TS2-02_CAG_Liping_Cheng ver23jun2023_2035hrs.pdfTS2-02Preparing Changi Airport for Climate Change1 Jul. 2023Changi Airport Group, Singapore 
TS2-03_Terminal in Garden _ BIAL.pdfTS2-03Terminal in the Garden1 Jul. 2023BIAL, India 
TS2-04_AIRPORT EMS_ICAO ACI Air Port Master Planning_JUNE2023 (27JUN2023).pdfTS2-04Environmental Management System (EMS) for ASEAN Airports1 Jul. 2023CAAT, Thailand 
TS2-05_Vanderlande ICAO ACI 29 June.pdfTS2-05Automation, Sustainability and Digitalisation as Enablers of Next Level End-to-end Baggage & Passenger Solutions1 Jul. 2023Vanderlande, Netherlands 
TS3-01_230629 - Runway Safey Areas - Excusions - Bangkok, Thailand.pdfTS3-01Runway Excursions: RESA Improvements & Mitigation Practices1 Jul. 2023FAA, USA 
TS3-02_Runway Safe_ICAO APAC seminar 2023 June REV1.pdfTS3-02Development, Design, and Implementation of Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS)1 Jul. 2023RUNWAY SAFE 
TS3-03_Presentation. Quintus AGL pptx.pptx.pdfTS3-03Quintus AGL Maintenance Service1 Jul. 2023Quintus 
Zhang Fenglin ACI Speech 20230629.pdfTS3-04Empowering the Construction of Smart Airports, Reshaping the Future of Aviation Development1 Jul. 2023BUCG, China 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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