The Free Route Airspace webinar (FRA webinar) in the APAC Region

(Video Teleconference, 29 August 2023)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(10)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(3)
AP096-23-RSO Free Route Airspace (FRA) Webinar-29 August 2023.pdf01Letter of Invitation15 June 2023Secretariat 
Attachment A - Programme Outline for FRA webinar.pdf02Attachment A - Programme Outline for FRA webinar15 June 2023Secretariat 
Attachment B - Workshop Bulletin for FRA webinar.pdf03Attachment B - Workshop Bulletin for FRA webinar15 June 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(7)
★ FRA definition and benefits-posted pdf.pdf01Introduction to FRA on Definition/Similar Concepts and Benefits to Airspace Users29 August 2023Dr. Hyuk Jin, Kwon 
1. IFATCA Presentation FRA 29AUG2023 final - Frederic Meleau from Greece.pdf02Case Studies of Successful FRA Implementation in Europe (The Case of Maastricht Upper Area Control Center)29 August 2023Mr. Frederic Deleau 
2.  Pacific UPR Implementations Final - FAA (USA) - pdf.pdf03Case Studies of Pacific User Preferred Route Implementation29 August 2023Mr. Dennis Addison 
3. ICAO_APAC_FRA_Web_EUROCONTROL_NM - Mr. Todorov.pdf04Free Route Airspace (FRA) ATM System - The Concept, European Functionality Requirements29 August 2023Mr. Tihomir Todorov 
4. Airspace Management for FRA - Setio.pdf05Airspace Management in Free Route Airspace (FRA)29 August 2023Mr. Setio Anggoro 
5. ATC Training and Development for FRA - Setio.pdf06ATC Training and Development for FRA29 August 2023Mr. Setio Anggoro 
6. IATA_FRA_Operator Perspective - pdf.pdf07Operator Perspective: FRA Implementation29 August 2023Mr. Prashant Sanglikar 

 For further information please contact:

Mr. Hyuk Jin Kwon   

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