Type Name : CNS SG27 (74)
 Category : 1-Report (1)
|  | | Final Report of CNS SG/27 | 20 September 2023 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 2-General Information (9)
|  | 01 | Invitation Letter | 31 May 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 02 | Attachment A - Provisional Agenda | 31 May 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 03 | Attachment B - Meeting Bulletin | 31 May 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 04 | Attachment C - Registration Form | 31 May 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 05 | WP-IP Template | 31 May 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 06 | Order of Business | 30 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 07 | List of Participants | 01 September 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 08 | List of Sponsors | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | 09 | Group Photo | 28 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 3-Working Papers (34)
|  | WP/01 | Provisional Agenda | 07 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/02 | Review Outcomes of 41st Session of the Assembly | 17 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/03 | CNS SG/26 and APANPIRG/33 Conclusions/Decisions and Action Items | 17 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/04 | Outcomes of the First Meeting of the Asia and Pacific (APAC) Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Committee (AAC/1) | 21 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/05 | Air Traffic Management and Airspace Safety Monitoring Outcomes | 21 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/06 | Review Relevant Outcomes of the MET SG | 17 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/07 | Review Report of the Tenth Meeting of the Aeronautical Communication Services Implementation Coordination Group (ACSICG/10) | 07 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/08 | Review Report of the Seventh Meeting of System Wide Information Management Task Force (SWIM TF/7) | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/09 | Report of Workshop on ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23 Workshop) / Regional Preparatory Group (RPG) Meeting for WRC-2023 | 07 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/10 | Review Report of the Seventh Meeting of Spectrum Review Working Group (SRWG/7) | 16 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/11 | Review Report of the Tenth Meeting of Performance Based Navigation Implementation Coordination Group (PBNICG/10) | 09 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/12 | Review Report of the Fifth Meeting of GBAS/SBAS Implementation Task Force (GBAS/SBAS LTF/5) | 09 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/13 | Revised Navigation Strategy for Asia Pacific Region | 08 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/14 | Outcomes of the Eighth Meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/8) | 08 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/15 | Review Outcomes of the Seminar on Air Traffic Management Automation System and the Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Management Automation System Task Force (ATMAS TF/4) | 07 September 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/16 | Progress on APAC Seamless ANS Reporting Portal | 17 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/17 | Achieving High Resilience in Sustaining Operations of Critical Aeronautical Infrastructure | 30 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | WP/18 | Beijing Declaration Implementation in CNS | 09 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/19 | Review Status of CNS Deficiencies | 21 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/20 | Review Outcomes of Small Working Group Study on Human Factor Issues of ATSEP | 15 August 2023 | Secretariat and IFATSEA | |
|  | WP/21 | Implementation Support Project in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) ATM Infrastructure Operations Capability Building | 18 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/22 | Repository of AIDC Implementation Status in APAC | 08 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/23 | Uniting the Strength of Innovation for Building a Seamless Sky - the Asia Pacific Region Innovation & Capacity Building Symposium 2023 (APICS 2023) | 21 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China on behalf of the Organizing Committee of APICS 2023 | |
|  | WP/24 | Comments/Feedback on Asia Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Civil Aviation (Delhi) | 21 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/25 | CNS Points of Contact | 31 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/26 | Managing Challenges of IN-SITU Replacement for Instrument Landing Systems at the World’s Busiest Cargo Airport | 21 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | WP/27 | Report from CP-DCIWG-WG-M/1 Meeting | 21 August 2023 | Rapporteur of CP-DCIWG-WG-M | |
|  | WP/28 | Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Update | 22 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/29 | Challenges and Requirements for IPS Environment | 23 August 2023 | USA | |
|  | WP/30 | Space-Based Very High Frequency (VHF) Communication Services | 25 August 2023 | Singapore | |
|  | WP/31 | Updates on Regional CNS Requirements in ICAO APAC e-ANP | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/32 | Multi-Regional TBO Demonstration | 23 August 2023 | Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and USA | |
|  | WP/33 | Feasibility Study and Trial of Using Drone to Enhance Efficiency in Flight Inspections at the Hong Kong International Airport | 24 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | WP/34 | Current Status of CRV Implementation in India | 26 August 2023 | Airports Authority of India (AAI) | |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (20)
|  | IP/01 | Meeting Bulletin | 08 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/02 | Guidance Material on the Protection of Radio Altimeter from Potential Harmful Interference from Cellular 5G Communications | 16 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/03 | CNS Meeting Planning for 2024 | 28 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/04 | Update on the Implementation of the ICAO Secretariat Strategy on Innovation | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/05 | Implementation of ADS-B Verification Technologies for Operational Surveillance System in Japan | 15 August 2023 | Japan | |
|  | IP/06 | The Importance of Preparation of Emergency Equipment for ATC as Risk Management | 28 August 2023 | Japan | |
|  | IP/07 | The Long-Term Vision for The Future Air Traffic Systems of Japan (CARATS) | 15 August 2023 | Japan | |
|  | IP/08 | ATSEP Competency Based Training in ATMB and CAAC | 15 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/09 | BDS Standardization Status in ICAO | 17 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/10 | Research on BDS ISM Broadcast Scheme | 21 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/11 | LDACS Development in China | 15 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/12 | New-Generation AeroMACS Project Progress in China | 15 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/13 | Progress on VHF Com Frequency Allotment Plan for APAC Region | 21 August 2023 | China | |
|  | IP/14 | Distribution of XML Based Messages in AMHS and SWIM Environment | 21 August 2023 | FAA, USA | |
|  | IP/15 | Outcome of APG23-6 Meeting | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/16 | Update on Trust Framework Activities | 23 August 2023 | Secretary of the Trust Framework Panel | |
|  | IP/17 | Outcomes of System Wide Information Management Seminar | 23 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/18 | Technical Assistance Project ATM Infrastructure Operations Capability Building | 23 August 2023 | Lao PDR | |
|  | IP/19 | Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) Status | 28 August 2023 | Republic of Korea | |
|  | IP/20 | Navigational Aids Check by Using Drone in Republic of Korea | 28 August 2023 | Republic of Korea | |
 Category : 5-Presentations (10)
|  | SP/01 | Global Developments Related to CNS | 21 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | SP/02 | Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan | 30 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | SP/03 | Implementation Support Project In Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) ATM Infrastructure Operations Capability Building | 30 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | SP/04 | Repository of AIDC Implementation Status in APAC | 30 August 2023 | Secretariat | |
|  | SP/05 | Review Outcomes of Small Working Group Study on Homan Factor Issues of ATSEP | 31 August 2023 | IFATSEA | |
|  | SP/06 | Achieving High Resilience in Sustaining Operations of Critical Aeronautical Infrastructure | 31 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | SP/07 | Uniting the Strength of Innovation for Building a Seamless Sky – The Asia Pacific Region Innovation & Capacity Building Symposium 2023 (APICS 2023) | 31 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | SP/08 | Outcomes of the Eight Meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/8) | 31 August 2023 | SURICG Co-Chair | |
|  | SP/09 | Managing Challenges of IN-SITU Replacement for Instrument Landing System at the World’s Busiest Cargo Airport | 31 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | SP/10 | Feasibility Study and Trial of Using Drone to Enhance Efficiency in Flight Inspections at the Hong Kong International Airport | 31 August 2023 | Hong Kong, China | |