​Fifth Meeting of the Bay of Bengal Traffic Flow Review Group (BOBTFRG/5)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 06 December to 08 December 2023)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(24)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(6)
Final Report.pdf01Final Report26 January 2024Secretariat 
Appendix A - List of Participants - final.pdf02Appendix A - List of Participants21 February 2024Secretariat 
Appendix B - List of Working and Information Papers.pdf03Appendix B - List of Working and Information Papers21 February 2024Secretariat 
Appendix C - BOBTFRG Terms of Reference.pdf04Appendix C - BOBTFRG Terms of Reference21 February 2024Secretariat 
Appendix D - BOBTFRG Task List.pdf05Appendix D - BOBTFRG Task List21 February 2024Secretariat 
Appendix E - Update on Selected ATS Route Proposals related to the BOB area.pdf06Appendix E - Update on Selected ATS Route Proposals related to the BOB area21 February 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(2)
AP130-23-RSO BOBTFRG-5-(6-8 December)final.pdf01Invitation Letter12 September 2023Secretariat 
BOBTFRG5 - IPWP Template.docx02BOBTFRG5 - IPWP Template06 November 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(7)
AI1 WP01. Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda30 November 2023Secretariat 
AI1 WP02. Order of Discussion.pdfWP/02 Order of Discussion30 NovemberSecretariat 
AI2 WP03. Proposal to implement 30NM Longitudinal Separation on Routes.pdfWP/03Proposal to implement 30NM Longitudinal Separation on Routes27 November 2023Indonesia 
AI3 WP04. Review of BOBTFRG Priority Areas Implementation Timelines.pdfWP/04Review of BOBTFRG Priority Areas Implementation Timelines27 November 2023Secretariat 
AI4 WP05. Review of Selected ATS Route Proposals from Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue.pdfWP/05Review of Selected ATS Route Proposals from Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue04 December 2023Secretariat 
AI4 WP06. Bay of Bengal Flight Level Allocation Scheme Chart.pdfWP/06Bay of Bengal Flight Level Allocation Scheme Chart29 November 2023Secretariat 
AI7 WP07. BOBTFRG Terms of Reference and Task List.pdfWP/07-Rev.BOBTFRG Terms of Reference and Task List29 November 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(7)
AI1 IP01. Provisional List of Working and Information Papers.pdfIP/01Provisional List of Working and Information Papers30 November 2023Secretariat 
IP02. Traffic Sample Data Visualization Over the Bay of Bengal.pdfIP/02Traffic Sample Data Visualization Over the Bay of Bengal27 November 2023MAAR 
AI6 IP03. USA Performance Based Separation Minima Implementations.pdfIP/03USA Performance Based Separation Minima Implementations30 November 2023FAA 
AI6 IP04. Recent Activities of Free Route Airspace (FRA).pdfIP/04Recent Activities of Free Route Airspace (FRA)04 December 2023Secretariat 
AI6 IP05. Oceanic Transition Free Route Airspace (FRA), A Case Study for.pdfIP/05Oceanic Transition Free Route Airspace (FRA), A Case Study for BOB-AS-IO04 December 2023IATA 
AI6 IP06. ATMSG-11 Meeting Outcomes.pdfIP/06ATMSG-11 Meeting Outcomes30 November 2023Secretariat 
AI6 IP07. ICAO Air Navigation World 2023-ATM Procedures for Today.pdfIP/07ICAO Air Navigation World 2023-ATM Procedures for Today05 December 2023IATA 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
AI4 WP05. Review of Selected ATS Route Proposals from Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue - for PPT.pdf01Review of Selected ATS Route Proposals from Asia Pacific Region ATS Route Catalogue 04 December 2023Secretariat 
AI6 IP03. USA Performance Based Separation Implementation - BOBTFRG5_for.pdf02USA Performance Based Separation Implementation30 November 2023Secretariat 

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