The Seminar on Air Traffic Management Automation System to be held on 27 June 2023 

and the Fourth Meeting of theAsia/Pacific Air Traffic Management Automation
System Task Force (ATMAS TF/4) on 28-30 June 2023

(Bangkok, Thailand, 27-30 June 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 ATMAS Seminar ‎(16)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(2)
OOB of Seminar_revised.pdf01Seminar Order of Business26 June 2023Secretariat 
Group Photo_20230629 ATMAS TF4 and Seminar.pdf02Group Photo - ATMAS Seminar and ATMAS TF/430 June 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(14)
P1 - Introduction to TBO and FF-ICE  by OR SWG.pdfP/01Introduction to TBO and FF-ICE23 June 2023Singapore 
P2_a - Presentation On China FF-ICE Validation Activities by China.pdfP/02-aSharing on FF-ICE validation Activities and/or Implementation Plans - China30 June 2023China 
P2_b-FF-ICE – Progress in New Zealand.pdfP/02-bSharing on FF-ICE validation Activities and/or Implementation Plans - New Zealand26 June 2023New Zealand 
P2_c AEROTHAI FF-ICE Journey_Thailand.pdfP/02-cSharing on FF-ICE validation activities and/or Implementation Plans - Thailand 26 June 2023Thailand 
P2_d - CSS-FD Overview  by USA.pdfP/02-dSharing on FF-ICE validation Activities and/or Implementation Plans - USA26 June 2023USA 
P2_e - CAAS -Plans for FF-ICE_R1 Services by Singapore.pdfP/02-eSharing on FF-ICE validation Activities and/or Implementation Plans - Singapore23 June 2023Singapore 
P3 - SWIM an FF-ICE Building Block by Thailand.pdfP/03SWIM:  an FF-FICE Building Block 27 June 2023Thailand 
P4_CHN-Research and Validation of Digital Air Traffic Control Technology based on TBO 20230625.pdfP/04Research and Validation of Digital Air Traffic Control Technology based on TBO27 June 2023China 
P5 - Introduction to the Research and Validation on SWIM and FF-ICE by China.pdfP/05Introduction to Research and Validation on SWIM and FF-ICE26 June 2023China 
P6 - Position and movement towards Seamless ATM and 4-D Trajectory Operations by Thales.pdfP/06Thales AMS’ position and movement towards Seamless ATM and 4-D Trajectory Operations. 26 June 2023Thales 
P7 - Architecture Design to Address System Upgrade and Interoperability Challenges.pdfP/07Architecture Design to Address System Upgrade and Interoperability Challenges27 June 2023Singapore 
P8 -Validation of Data Link ATS Service Application in ATM Automation System by China.pdfP/08Validation of Data Link ATS Service Application in ATM Automation System System23 June 2023China 
P9 - AI Implementation and Experience in ATMAS by China.pdfP/09AI Implementation and Experience in Air Traffic Management Automation System26 June 2023China 
P10_CHN-Research and Realization of Continuous Operation and Emergency of ATMAS rev.pdfP/10Research and Realization of Continuous Operation and Emergency Response of ATMAS30 June 2023China 
collapse Type Name : ATMAS-TF4 ‎(39)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of ATMAS TF4.pdfFinal Report of ATMAS TF/407 September 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(9)
AP048-23-CNS - ATMAS TF4 and Seminar.pdf01Invitation Letter22 March 2023Secretariat 
Attachment A - Concept Note - ATMAS Seminar.pdf02Provisional Concept Note of Seminar22 March 2023Secretariat 
Attachment B - Provisional Agenda for ATMAS TF4.pdf03Provisional Agenda of ATMAS TF/422 March 2023Secretariat 
Attachment C - Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Seminar/Meeting Bulletin22 March 2023Secretariat 
Attachment D - Registration Form.pdf05Registration Form22 March 2023Secretariat 
WP-IP template.docx06WP-IP Template22 March 2023Secretariat 
Attachment 1 - ATMAS TF4 - List of participants.pdf07List of Participants30 June 2023Secretariat 
Tentative OOB - ATMAS TF4 for publishing as of 26 June.pdf08Tentative Order of Business26 June 2023Secretariat 
List of Sponsors_ATMAS-TF 4.pdf09List of Sponsors26 June 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(13)
WP01_ICAO AI.1 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI.2 - Review of relevant meetings.pdfWP/02Review of Relevant Meetings16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP03_ICAO AI. 3 - Global Development Updates.pdfWP/03Global Development Updates16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP04_ ICAO AI. 5 - Repository of the ATMAS in APAC.pdfWP/04Repository of the ATMAS in APAC16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP05_IDN-IND-SGP AI 8 - AIDC Implementation Issue Report rev.pdfWP/05AIDC Implementation Issue Report07 September 2023India, Indonesia and Singapore 
WP06_ICAO AI.9 - Repository of AIDC Implementation Status in APAC.pdfWP/06Repository of AIDC Implementation Status in APAC16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP07_ICAO AI.10 - Review SubjectTasks List.pdfWP/07Review of Task List16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP08_ICAO AI 2 - Review relevant Action Items of  DGCA Conf57.pdfWP/08Relevant Action Items of 57th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP09_ICAO AI.2 - Outcomes of SURICG8.pdfWP/09Outcomes of the Eighth Meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/8)16 June 2023Secretariat 
WP10_NPL AI. 4.1 - Complexities Experienced by Nepal in Procuring ATM Systems Incorporating COTS Components.pdfWP/10Complexities Experienced by Nepal in Procuring ATM Systems Incorporating COTS Components16 June 2023Nepal 
WP11_ICAO AI.2 - Outcomes of ACSICG10.pdfWP/11Outcomes of the Tenth Meeting of Aeronautical Communication Services Implementation Coordination Group of APANPIRG (ACSICG/10)20 June 2023Secretariat 
WP12_SGP AI. 4.1_4.4 - Architecture Design to Address System Upgrade and Interoperability Challenges.pdfWP/12Architecture Design to Address System Upgrade and Interoperability Challenges20 June 2023Singapore 
WP13_CHN-HKG-SGP AI6 - Updates to the Air Traffic Management Automation System Implementation.pdfWP/13Updates to the air traffic management automation system Implementation and operations guidance document26 June 2023China, Hong Kong China, and Singapore 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(15)
IP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin.pdfIP/01Meeting Bulletin16 June 2023Secretariat 
IP02_ICAO AI.2 - Update from RASMAG27.pdfIP/02Update from RASMAG/2720 June 2023Secretariat 
IP03_PAK AI 4.1and4.3 - ATM Automation System Implementation at Islamabad.pdfIP/03ATM Automation System Implementation at Islamabad16 June 2023Pakistan 
IP04_HKG AI. 4.1 - Optimisation of Approach Path Monitoring in Air Traffic Management Automation System.pdfIP/04Optimisation of Approach Path Monitoring in Air Traffic Management Automation System16 June 2023Hong Kong, China 
IP05_HKG AI. 4.3 - Integration of Meteorological Data in Approach Spacing Management System.pdfIP/05Integration of Meteorological Data in Approach Spacing Management System16 June 2023Hong Kong, China 
IP06_HKG AI. 4.4 - Update on Implementation of Approach Spacing Management System at Hong Kong International Airport.pdfIP/06Update on Implementation of Approach Spacing Management System at Hong Kong International Airport16 June 2023Hong Kong, China 
IP07_NZL AI.4.4 - Domestic-CPDLC implementation in New Zealand.pdfIP/07Domestic-CPDLC Implementation in New Zealand20 June 2023New Zealand 
IP08_NZL AI.4.2 - New Air Traffic Management Automation System – Availability, Contingency, and configuration.pdfIP/08New Air Traffic Management Automation System – Availability, Contingency, and Configuration20 June 2023New Zealand 
IP09_CHN AI.4.3-Application of Flight Data Interaction Between ACC  and APP  ATMAS in Busy Airspace.Rev.pdfIP/09Application of Flight Data Interaction between ACC and APP ATMAS in Busy Airspace26 June 2023China 
IP10_CHN AI.4.3 - Implementation of Data Interaction between A-SMGCS and ATFM System.pdfIP/10Implementation of Data Interaction between A-SMGCS and ATFM System20 June 2023China 
IP11_CHN AI.4.3 - Validation of A-SMGCS System Integrating NOTAM Data.pdfIP/11Validation of A-SMGCS System Integrating NOTAM Data20 June 2023China 
IP12_CHN AI.7-Progress and Plan of AIDC Implementation between  China and adjacent ATS units-Rev.pdfIP/12Progress and Plan of AIDC Implementation in China30 June 2023China 
IP13_CHN AI.4.1 - Optimization and Application of SSR Code Allocation in ATMAS.pdfIP/13Optimization and Application of SSR Allocation in ATMAS21 June 2023China 
IP14_CHN AI.4.4 - Research on standardized cybersecurity protection solution for ATMAS.pdfIP/14Research on Standardized Cybersecurity Protection Solution for ATMAS 21 June 2023China 
IP15_CHN AI.8 - Practice of Multiple Electronic Transfer Protocols in ATMAS-Rev2.pdfIP/15Practice of Multiple Electronic Transfer Protocols in ATMAS26 June 2023China 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
Presentation01_CDATC AI 4.4 - Advanced Solutions for Safe and High-efficiency ATC Operation.pdfP/01Advanced Solutions for Safe and High efficiency ATC Operation 26 June 2023CDATC 

 For further information please contact:

Mr. Yi Luo

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