Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group

(Hong Kong, China, 11 to 13 December 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 APANPIRG 34 ‎(52)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
FINAL REPORT OF APANPIRG-34.pdf01Final Report of APANPIRG/3421 Feb. 2024Secretariat 
Appendices to the Report.pdf02Appendices to the Report21 Feb. 2024Secretariat 
Attachments to the Report.pdf03Attachments to the Report21 Feb. 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(13)
AP124-23 - Invitation letter to States_APANPIRG-34 r4-QR.pdf01Invitation Letter to States7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Invitation letter to IOs_APANPIRG-34.pdf02Invitation Letter to International Organizations7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda - WP01_final.pdf03Provisional Agenda7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment B - Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Meeting Bulletin7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment C - Nomination Form.docx05Nomination Form to attend the APANPIRG/347 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment D - List of Members-Alternate members.pdf06List of Members/Alternate Members7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment E - APANPIRG Members Nomination Form.docx07APANPIRG Member Nomination Form      [APANPIRG Composition]7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
AP124-23 - Attachment F - Provisional Programme of APICS 2023.pdf08Provisional Programme of APICS 20237 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
IP-WP Template.docx09IP/WP Template7 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
Final List of Sponsors_APANPIRG 34.pdf10List of Sponsors7 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
Order of Business.pdf11Order of Business8 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
Courtesy Bus Schedule for Event Website - APANPIRG (13 Dec 2023)rev.docx12Schedule of Courtesy Bus to the Meeting Venue on 13 DEC 202312 Dec. 2023Hong Kong China 
group photo.pdf13Group Photo14 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(23)
WP01 REV 01 - Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01         Revision 1Adoption of the Provisional Agenda7 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP02 REV 01 AI1A_- Beijing Declaration Commitments implementation status-for Dr Punya.pdfWP/02         Revision 1Where does APAC Stand with the Beijing Declaration Commitments?7 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP03 AI 1B.1 - Review of ANC and Council of APANPIRG33 and RASG-APAC12 reports.pdfWP/03Council Action on the Report on APANPIRG/33 and RASG-APAC/12 Meetings4 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP04 AI 1B.2 - APANPIRG 33 Conclusions-Decisions-ATM_Rev.01.pdfWP/04Status of Implementation of APANPIRG/33 Conclusions and Decisions4 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP05, AI 1C - Review relevant outcomes of APAC DGCA Conf58 Action Item on AN.pdfWP/0558th APAC DGCA Conference Action Items on Air Navigation 29 Nov. 2023Secretariat 
WP06 AI 2 - AN-Conf14.pdfWP/06Preparation for the ICAO Fourteenth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/14)4 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP07 AI 3.6 - CANSO APAC White Paper final ver +APAC.pdfWP/07CANSO Asia Pacific ATM White Paper1 Dec. 2023CANSO 
WP08 AI 3.6 - ADHERENCE TO THE PRINCIPLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS etc_IATAv3.pdfWP/08Adherence to the Principles and Recommendations  Detailed in ICAO Docs 9082 and 9161 for Setting Aviation Charges1 Dec. 2023IATA 
WP09, AI 3.1 - Outcomes of AOP-SG-7 [APANPIRG 34].pdfWP/09Report on the Seventh Meeting of AOP Subgroup27 Nov. 2023Chairperson of AOP/SG 
WP10 AI 3.2 - ATMSG11 Outcomes v1.0 with attachment.pdfWP/10ATM/SG/11 Outcomes1 Dec. 2023Chairperson of ATM/SG 
WP11 REV 01 AI 3.3 - RASMAG_28 outcomes draft 3.0.pdfWP/11            Revision 1RASMAG/28 Outcomes7 Dec. 2023Chairperson of RASMAG 
WP12 AI 3.4_REV 1 - Report of CNS SG27.pdfWP/12             Revision 1Report of the Twenty Seventh Meeting of CNS Sub-Group of APANPIRG10 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP15 AI 3.5 - METSG27_report_submit [20231129].pdfWP/13Meteorology Sub-Group (MET SG/27) Report29 Nov. 2023Chairperson of MET SG 
WP14 AI 4 - AN Deficiencies ATM AGA CNS MET.pdfWP/14Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in the Asia/Pacific Region1 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP15 AI 5 - APANPIRG Work Programme 2024-2025.pdfWP/15APANPIRG Work Programme 2024-20251 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP16 AI3.0_REV 2 - Updating the Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan.pdfWP/16               Revision 2Updating the Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS Plan8 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP17 REV 01 AI03 - Seamless ANS Reporting Portal_Final_clean.pdfWP/17         Revision 1Progress on APAC Seamless ANS Reporting Portal29 Nov. 2023Secretariat and Hong Kong, China 
WP18 AI 3.4 REV 1 - Seamless ANS Plan Revision 1.pdfWP/18              Revision 1Interim Report of CNS-Related ASBUs Review Ad-Hoc Group for the Next Edition of the Seamless ANS Plan10 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP19 AI 3.1 - STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE NEW OBSTACLE LIMITATION SURFACES.pdfWP/19Strategies for Implementing the New Obstacle Limitation Surfaces27 Nov. 2023Republic of Korea 
WP20 AI 3.4_REV 2 - Leveraging Innovative Technologies for Outlying Critical Aeronautical Infrastructures HK Revision 1.1.pdfWP/20        Revision 2Leveraging Innovative Technologies to Support Safe, Secure and Efficient Facilities Management for Outlying Critical Aeronautical Infrastructures 10 Dec. 2023Hong Kong China 
WP21 AI06 - Establishment of the ICAO Asia Pacific Liaison Office.pdfWP/21Establishment of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) Liaison Office1 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
WP22 AI 3.4 - Implementation of Personnel Licensing and Rating for ATSEP.pdfWP/22Implementation of Licensing and Rating for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel in Indonesia6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
WP23 AI 2 - SAP-LTAG_clean.pdfWP/23State Action Plan to Monitor the Progress of a Long-Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for International Civil Aviation CO2 Emissions Reductions10 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(12)
IP01- List of Papers.pdfIP/01List of Papers and Presentation10 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
IP02 AI 1D - Updates on RASG 12.pdfIP/02Progress Update of the RASG-APAC/12 Decisions and Conclusions5 Dec. 2023Secretariat 
IP03, AI 3.2 - Supplementation of 5LNC Pronunciation Issue.pdfIP/03Supplementation of 5LNC Pronunciation Issue27 Nov. 2023Japan 
IP04, AI 3.2 - JAPANs International Cooperation Activities.pdfIP/04JCAB’s International Cooperation Activities27 Nov. 2023Japan 
IP05 AI 3.5 - New Dev in the IAVW System_FINAL.pdfIP/05New Developments in the International Airways Volcano Watch System1 Dec. 2023New Zealand 
IP06 AI 3.4 - Implementation of ATSEP Personel Licensing System in Indonesia.pdfIP/06Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Licensing System in Indonesia6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
IP07, AI3.2 - Roadmap for FRA in APAC -ATM_wk.pdfIP/07Enhancing Flight Efficiency in the Asia Pacific Region:  A Roadmap for Broader Free Route Airspace (FRA) Implementation6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
IP08 AI 3.3 - Update Information on the follow up of monitoring burden.pdfIP/08Update Information on the Follow Up of Monitoring Burden6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
IP09 AI3.4  - Update on PBN Implementation and the Reduction of Carbon Emission.pdfIP/09Update on PBN Implementation and the Reduction of Carbon Emission6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
IP10, AI 3.1- The Development of Aerodrome Personnels Competencies.pdfIP/10The Development of Aerodrome Personnel's Competencies for Enhancing Aviation Safety6 Dec. 2023Indonesia 
IP11 AI 3.2 - Progress Update - SVLRC SWG.pdfIP/11Progress Update of the Space Vehicle Launch and Re-Entry Coordination Small Working Group (SVLRC SWG)11 Dec. 2023SVLRC SWG 
IP12 AI 3.2 - Implementation of GRF in Australia final.pdfIP/12Implementation of Global Reporting Format and SNOWTAM in Australia7 Dec. 2023Australia 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
APANPIRG PPTxx AN gobal Develeopments.rev - NOTES.pdfPPT/01Air Navigation Global Developments11 Dec. 2023Secretariat 

 For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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