Seventh Meeting of the Aerodromes Operations and Planning Sub-Group (AOP/SG/7)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 3 to 6 July 2023)

collapse Type Name : 2023 AOP SG7 ‎(52)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
!FINAL Report of AOPSG-7_Finalized on 5 Sep. 2023.pdf01Final Report of AOP/SG/715 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
Appendices to the Report.pdf02Appendices to the Report15 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
Attachments to the Report.pdf03Attachments to the Report15 Sep. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
!AP-031 - Invitation Letter - AOP SG-7 Meeting.pdf01Invitation Letter17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-031 - Att-A - Provisional Agenda.docx.pdf02Provisional Agenda17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-031 - Att-B - Meeting Bulletin.pdf03Meeting Bulletin17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-031 - Att-C - Registration Form.docx04Registration Form17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
AP-031 - Att-D - IP_WP Template.docx05Template of Papers17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
ICAO APAC RO Health and Safety Information for Meeting Participants.pdf06Health and Safety Information for participants17 Feb. 2023Secretariat 
ORDER OF BUSINESS_Revision 01.pdf07Order of Business - Revision 12 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
Group Photo 20230703 AOPSG7.pdf08Group photo4 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(28)
WP01, AI 1 - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of Provisional Agenda23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP02, AI 2 REV01 - Action items from DGCA57.pdfWP/02         Revision 1Action Items from 57th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Asia and Pacific Regions30 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP03, AI2 - Outcome of APANPIRG33.pdfWP/03Relevant Outcomes of APANPIRG/33 and APAC Action Plan27 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP04, AI2 - Action on AOP SG - 6.pdfWP/04Actions on AOP/SG/6 Conclusions and Decisions23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP05, AI3 - APAC Air Navigation Plan.pdfWP/05Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Plan23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP06, AI 4 - Report of AP-ADOTF-4_Jan 2023_Revised.pdfWP/06Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Aerodrome Design and Operations Task Force (AP-ADO/TF/4)23 Jun. 2023Chairperson of AP-ADO/TF 
WP07, AI4 - Report of AP-AA WG-5.pdfWP/07Report on the Fifth Meeting of Asia/Pacific Aerodrome Assistance Working Group (AP-AA/WG/5)23 Jun. 2023Chairperson of AP-AA/WG 
WP08, AI 4 - AP-WHM WG-5_Revised.pdfWP/08Report on the Fifth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Wildlife Hazard Management Working Group (AP-WHM/WG/5)23 Jun. 2023Chairman of AP-WHM/WG 
WP09, AI4_REV 2 - Cert of Aerodromes.pdfWP/09            Revision 2Certification of Aerodromes in the Asia/Pacific Region1 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
WP10, AI4 - ICAO USOAP and AGA Findings (OLF).doc.pdfWP/10ICAO USOAP and AGA Findings 23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP11, AI4 - Adoption of icao recommendations as national stds aci aop sg7 bkk july 2023.pdfWP/11Adoption of ICAO Recommendations as National Standards26 Jun. 2023ACI and PASO 
WP12 AI 4 - Strength Assessment and Classification for Grass Runways.pdfWP/12Strength Assessment and Classification for Grass Runways26 Jun. 2023New Zealand 
WP13, AI 4 - STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING ANNEX 14 VOL I AMENDMENT PROPOSALS.pdfWP/13Strategies for Implementing Annex 14 Amendment Proposals26 Jun. 2023Republic of Korea 
WP14, AI 4 - THE LAUNCH OF AIRPORT OPERATIONS COMMISSION.pdfWP/14The Launch of Airport Operations Commission26 Jun. 2023Republic of Korea 
WP15, AI 4 - APPLICATION AND PRACTICE OF DIGITAL ASSISTED TECHNOLOGIES FOR AIRPORT SITING.pdfWP/15Application and Practice of Digital Assisted Technologies for Airport Siting26 Jun. 2023China 
AOP SG7 - WP15 - DIGITAL ASSISTED TECHNOLOGY FOR AIRPORT SITING.pdfWP/15        PresentationApplication and Practice of Digital Assisted Technologies for Airport Siting6 Jul. 2023China 
WP16, AI 4 - REPORT OF APPLICATIONS OF SHIELDING PRINCIPLE IN CIVIL AIRPORT CLEARANCE.pdfWP/16Report of Applications of Shielding Principle in Civil Airport Clearance26 Jun. 2023China 
AOP SG7 - WP16 - Report of  Applications of Shielding Principle in Civil Airport Clearance.pdfWP/16         PresentationReport of Applications of Shielding Principle in Civil Airport Clearance6 Jul. 2023China 
WP17, AI 8 - THE AIRPORT CHARACRISTICS AND OPERATION OF ARJ21-700.pdfWP/17The Airport Characteristics and Operation of ARJ21-70026 Jun. 2023China 
AOP SG7 - WP17 - THE AIRPORT CHARACRISTICS AND OPERATION OF ARJ21-700.pdfWP/17          PresentationThe Airport Characteristics and Operation of ARJ21-7006 Jul. 2023China 
WP18, AI4 - GRF_Final.pdfWP/18Enhanced Global Reporting Format for Assessing and  Reporting Runway Surface Conditions (GRF) 26 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP19, AI5 - Air Navigation Deficiencies in AOP.pdfWP/19Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in AOP Field1 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
WP20, AI7 - Update of the AOPSG Task List.docx.pdfWP/20APANPIRG AOP Sub Group Task List26 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP21, AI9 - Provisional Agenda, Date and Venue of Next Meeting.pdfWP/21Provisional Agenda, Date and Venue of Next Meeting26 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
WP22, AI4 - AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE APPLICATIONS AT HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - THE REGULATORY PERSPECTIVE.pdfWP/22Autonomous Vehicle Applications at the Hong Kong International Airport: A Regulatory Perspective27 Jun. 2023Hong Kong, China 
WP23, AI4 - GRF Pacific Implementation - PASO.pdfWP/23GRF Implementation Progress in the Pacific2 Jul. 2023PASO 
WP24, AI 2 - Relevant Outcomes of ATFMSG13 and AAITF18.pdfWP/24Relevant Outcomes of ATFM/SG/13 and AAITF/182 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
WP25, AI 3 - Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Update Rev 1.pdfWP/25            Revision 1Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Update3 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(12)
IP01 - List of Papers and Presentations.pdfIP/01List of Papers and Presentations4 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
IP02 AI 2 - RASG-APAC 12 Outcomes.pdfIP/02RASG-APAC/12 Meeting Outcomes4 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
IP03, AI4 - ICAO HQ Update on AGA Matters.pdfIP/03ICAO HQ Update on AGA Matters 23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
IP04, AI4 - USOAP CMA PQ 2020 Ed-SSPIA.pdfIP/04USOAP CMA Protocol Questions – 2020 Edition and State Safety Programme Implementation Assessment23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
IP05, AI4 - Runway Safety Team.pdfIP/05Runway Safety Team and Runway Safety Go-Team23 Jun. 2023Secretariat 
IP06, AI 4 - Aircraft Taxiing Errors during Stabilization of New Infrastructure_BIAL.pdfIP/06Aircraft Taxiing Errors during Stabilization of New Infrastructure30 Jun. 2023India 
IP07, AI 4 - Collaborative Approach and Best Practices (GHIAL) (2).pdfIP/07Collaborative Approach and Best Practices Adopted by Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad India for Aerodrome Safeguarding and Obstacle Control30 Jun. 2023India 
IP08, AI 4 - Development of Indigenous Smart Visual Docking - Guidance System through Startup Initiative.pdfIP/08Development of Indigenous Smart Visual Docking & Guidance System through Startup Initiative30 Jun. 2023India 
IP09, AI 4 - Timely Operationalization of Airside Infrastructure-AAI.pdfIP/09Uniform Procedure for Timely Commissioning & Operationalization of Infrastructure in Airside30 Jun. 2023India 
IP10, AI 4 - Capacity Development and Training Programs_Final Draft PCAA V1.0.pdfIP/10Capacity Development and Training Programs Offered by Pakistan27 Jun. 2023Pakistan 
IP11, AI4 - ICAO Initiatives for Assistance to States in AGA Area.pdfIP/11ICAO Initiatives to Assist States in AGA Area1 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
IP12, AI4 - IBIS - Wildlife Strike Analyses for 2016 - 2021 (EB23.30.EN).pdfIP/12IBIS - Wildlife Strike Analyses for 2016 - 20211 Jul. 2023Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
AOPSG7_CAG_Presentation.pdfPPT/01Sharing on iFerret as an effective FOD detection system to enhance runway safety5 Jul. 2023Singapore 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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