​Webinar on 5G Implementation and Radio Altimeter 

 (Video Teleconference, 23 August 2022)

Online Registration (Click This Link to Register) 

Facilitators:        RO CNS

Speakers:           Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)


Content: The webinar is intended to promote the understanding among the spectrum regulator, and industries on 5G implementation and Radio Altimeter issue, so as to harmonize the 5G implementation while ensuring the aviation safety and regularity in the APAC region. 

collapse Type Name : 2022 Webinar on 5G Implementation and Radio Altimeter ‎(8)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP091_22(CNS) - Webinar on 5G Implementation and Radio Altimeter 23 August 2022 - Letter.pdf01Invitation Letter23 August 2022Secretariat 
Attachment A - Provisional Concept Note.pdf02Provisional Concept Note23 August 2022Secretariat 
Attachment B - Guideline for Online Registration.pdf03Guideline for Online Registration23 August 2022Secretariat 
AP059-22 ICAO APAC Webinars 2022.pdf04Information on ICAO APAC Webinar23 August 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(4)
APT-ICAO WD 01 APT Presentation.pdf01Information on the Implementation of 5G in the Asia-Pacific Region23 August 2022APT 
APT-ICAO WD 02 ICAO Presentation.pdf02Potential Safety Concerns due to Interference From 5G to Aeronautical Radio Altimeters23 August 2022Secretariat 
APT-ICAO WD 03 Airbus Presentation.pdf03Regional Dialogue Radio Altimeters at 4200-4400 MHz band and Implementation of 5G in Adjacent bands23 August 2022AIRBUS 
APT-ICAO WD 04 GSMA Presentation.pdf045G and Aviation Altimeters23 August 2022GSMA 


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