​Implementation of CRV in APAC Region

(Video Teleconference, 29 June 2022) 

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register)

Facilitator:        Ms. Soniya Nibhani, Regional Officer, Air Navigation Systems (CNS) implementation

Speakers:          Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Content: To share brief introduction, concepts, and regional activities of Asia Pacific Common Regional Virtual Private Network (CRV) along with the progress of implementation of CRV in APAC region and significance for non-implementation. Concluding message will be to urge non-implemented States to implement CRV and to request support of CRV implemented States by sharing lessons learned and/or best practices.

collapse Type Name : 2022 CRV Webinar ‎(12)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of ICAO APAC Implementation of CRV Webinar 2022.pdfFinal Report 9 August 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
O 7-1 ICAO APAC Webinars 2022.pdf01Invitation Letter31 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment A - Program Outline.pdf02Attachment A - Program Outline31 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines.pdf03Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines31 March 2022Secretariat 
CRV_Webinar Tentative Programme final.pdf04Webinar Tentative Program28 June 2022 Secretariat 
Audience Instructions.pdf05Audience Instructions27 June 2022Secretariat 
Implementation of CRV Webinar - List of participants v1.pdf06List of Participants (Please email to vmeefuengsart@icao.int for updating)29 June 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
SP101 – CRV Project and its Significance for AsiaPacific Region.pdfSP101CRV Project and Its Significance for Asia/Pacific Region20 June 2022 Mr. Hoang Tran, FAA USA 
SP102 -Challenges and Potential Solutions for CRV Implementation in Pacific States.pdfSP102Challenges and Potential Solutions for CRV Implementation in Pacific States24 June 2022Kelepi Dainaki, Airports Fiji 
SP201 – Synthesis of CRV Operational Manual.pdfSP201Synthesis of CRV Operational Manual20 June 2022 Mr. Vaughan Hickford, Airways New Zealand 
SP202 – Synthesis of CRV Implementation Plan.pdfSP202Synthesis of CRV Implementation Plan 20 June 2022 Augustine Lau, CAAS Singapore 
SP203  Standardized Contract Conditions for CRV (v1).pdfSP203Standardized Contract Conditions for CRV24 June 2022Eddy Lee, PCCW Global 


For further information please contact:

   Ms. Nibhani, Soniya

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