Tenth Meeting of the Air Traffic Management Sub-Group (ATM/SG/10) of APANPIRG

(Video Teleconference, 17 – 21 October 2022)

Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this Meeting)

collapse Type Name : 2022 ATM-SG10 ‎(81)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report ATM SG 10 Rev 1 (all appendices).pdfATM/SG/10 Final Report Rev.122 November 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP093-22-ATM.pdf01ATM/SG/10 Invitation Letter11 July 2022Secretariat 
ATMSG10 IPWP Template.docm02ATM/SG/10 IPWP Template (.Docm)07 July 2022Secretariat 
ATMSG10 IPWP Template.docx03ATM/SG/10 IPWP Template (.Docx)07 July 2022Secretariat 
Provisional Order of Business.pdf04Provisional Order of Business16 October 2022Secretariat 
Provisional Order of Discussion - Rev.1.pdf05 - Rev.1Provisional Order of Discussion18 October 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(46)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP02 ATMSG9 and APANPIRG32 Outcomes.pdfWP/02Outcomes of ATM/SG/9 and APANPIRG/3211 October 2022Secretariat 
WP03 RASG-APAC11 Update and APRAST18 Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP/03RASG-APAC/11 Update & and APRAST/18 Meeting Outcomes11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP04 ANS USOAP Update.pdfWP/04ANS USOAP Update11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP05 Updating the Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan.pdfWP/05Updating the Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS Plan11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP06 ATM-Related Regional Guidance and Plans Update Cycle_Standardized Reporting Date and Format.pdfWP/06ATM-Related Regional Guidance and Plans - Update Cycle, Standardised Reporting Format and Reporting Date for ICAO Implementation Status Reports 09 October 2022Secretariat 
WP07 Fit-Asia and RASMAG Outcomes_Rev1.pdfWP/07 - Rev.1FIT-Asia and RASMAG Outcomes14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP08 Application of ATC Separation Minimums Rev1.pdfWP/08 - Rev. 1Application of ATC Separation Minimums14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP09 ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies List.pdfWP/09ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies List12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP10 Updates on Corrective Actions by Bangladesh to Eliminate Some ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies.pdfWP/10Updates on Corrective Actions by Bangladesh to Eliminate Some ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies09 October 2022Bangladesh 
Regional Air Navigation Plan Update Rev 1.pdfWP/11 - Rev.1Regional Air Navigation Plan Update14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP12 Bangladesh Efforts on FIR Amendment Process and the Impact of the Delay on the Finalization of Dhaka FIR Description.pdfWP/12Bangladesh Efforts on FIR Amendment Process and the Impact of the Delay on the Finalization of Dhaka FIR Description09 October 2022Bangladesh 
WP13 ICAO Doc 7030 Publication Guidance for Implementation of ADS-B.pdfWP/13ICAO Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures Publication Guidance for Implementation of ADS-B In-Trail Procedures (ITP) and Climb and Descent Procedure (CDP)10 October 2022New Zealand 
WP15 Main Oucomes of CNS SG26.pdfWP/15Main Outcomes of CNS SG/2609 October 2022Secretariat 
WP16 Proposal on the Establishment of a Study Group to Prepare a set of Harmonised Operational Requirements Rev.1.pdfWP/16 - Rev.1Proposal on the Establishment of a Study Group to Prepare a set of Harmonised Operational Requirements16 October 2022Japan, Singapore, Thailand and USA 
WP17 Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes.pdfWP/17Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group Outcomes11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP18 CDM Process in GBA Under Adverse Weather Conditions.pdfWP/18CDM Process in GBA under Adverse Weather Conditions10 October 2022China 
WP19 Missing Departure Messages.pdfWP/19Missing Departure Messages11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP20 Need for Proper Guidance to Establish and Upgrade the ATS Airspace Classes.pdfWP/20Need for Proper Guidance to Establish and Upgrade the ATS Airspace Classes12 October 2022Nepal 
WP21 Asia Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update.pdfWP/21Asia/Pacific Unmanned Aircraft Systems Update12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP22 Alpha Numeric Call Signs.pdfWP/22Alpha Numeric Call Signs14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP23 Review on the Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at Hong Kong International Airport.pdfWP/23Review on the Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at Hong Kong International Airport09 October 2022Hong Kong China 
WP24 Operational Improvements to Enhance Runway Capacity and Implementation of Wake Turbulence Groups.pdfWP/24Operational Improvements to Enhance Runway Capacity and Implementation of Wake Turbulence Groups09 October 2022Republic of Korea 
WP25 Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation in Japan.pdfWP/25Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation in Japan09 October 2022Japan 
WP26 Remote Apron Control Implementation in China.pdfWP/26Remote Apron Control Implementation in China10 October 2022China 
WP27 SAIOSEACG Meeting Outcomes.pdfWP/27SAIOSEACG Meeting Outcomes11 October 2022Secretariat 
WP28 ATS Route Catalogue.pdfWP/28ATS Route Catalogue12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP30 Enhancing Utilization of ATS Route L644.pdfWP/30Enhancing Utilization of ATS Route L64409 October 2022Singapore 
WP31 Progress Update on Capacity Optimisation on Air Routes L642 and M771.pdfWP/31Progress Update on Capacity Optimisation on Air Routes L642 and M77111 October 2022Hong Kong China 
WP32 Update on Trials for Application of 10 Minutes Separation.pdfWP/32Update on Trials for Application of 10 Minutes Separation on Crossing Tracks over Oceanic Airspace in Mumbai FIR12 October 2022India 
WP33 ADS-C CDP Progress in Fukuoka FIR.pdfWP/33ADS-C CDP Progress in Fukuoka FIR09 October 2022Japan 
WP34 Proposal to Strengthen International Coordination for Safety of Civil Aircraft and Space Launch Vehicles.pdfWP/34Proposal to Strengthen International Coordination for Safety of Civil Aircraft and Space Launch Vehicles09 October 2022Republic of Korea 
WP35 Space Activity Coordination.pdfWP/35Space Activity Coordination09 October 2022USA 
WP36 Consideration of Airspace Established on Short Notice.pdfWP/36Consideration of Airspace Established on Short Notice09 October 2022Japan 
WP37 Outcomes of the Mekong ATM Coordination Group.pdfWP/37Outcomes of the Mekong ATM Coordination Group10 October 2022Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and IATA 
WP38 AKARA Corridor Progress and Update.pdfWP/38AKARA Corridor Progress and Update09 October 2022Japan 
WP39 The Progress after Normalization of the AKARA Corridor.pdfWP/39The Progress after Normalization  of the AKARA Corridor09 October 2022Republic of Korea 
WP40 Coordination of ATFMS across the Region in the Irregularities Situation.pdfWP/40Coordination of ATFMS Across the Region in the Irregularities Situation09 October 2022Japan 
WP41 The Feasibility of Large-Scale Detour Procedure - LSDP.pdfWP/41The Feasibility of Large-Scale Detour Procedure10 October 2022China 
WP42 Regional ATM Contingency Planning and Activities.pdfWP/42Regional ATM Contingency Planning and Activities12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP43 AOP Subgroup Outcomes.pdfWP/43AOP Sub-Group Outcomes12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP44 AIS - AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes.pdfWP/44AIS – AIM Implementation Task Force Outcomes12 October 2022Secretariat 
WP46 Asia Pacific Search and Rescue Update.pdfWP/46Asia/Pacific Search and Rescue Update14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP47 SURVEY RESULTS ON POSITIVE ATM SAFETY CULTURE IN THE APAC REGION_Rev1.pdfWP/47 - Rev.1Survey Results on Positive ATM Safety Culture in the APAC Region20 October 2022Secretariat 
WP48 ATM Points of Contact List.pdfWP/48ATM Points of Contact List14 October 2022Secretariat 
WP49 ATM SG Terms of Reference and Task List.pdfWP/49ATM/SG Terms of Reference and Task List14 October 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(22)
IP01 Provisional List of Papers.pdfIP/01Provisional List of Papers16 October 2022Secretariat 
IP02 Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Outcomes.pdfIP/02Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Outcomes11 October 2022Secretariat 
IP03 ATM Performance Management Updates in China.pdfIP/03ATM Performance Management Updates in China09 October 2022China 
IP04 Update on Designation of Australian Restricted Areas in International Waters.pdfIP/04Update on Designation of Australian Restricted Areas in International Waters09 October 2022Australia 
IP05 Transition to a Single Flight Information Region.pdfIP/05Transition to a Single Flight Information Region09 October 2022Australia 
IP06 IATA Equipage and Capability Survey.pdfIP/06IATA Equipage and Capability Survey09 October 2022IATA 
IP07 Updates of Trajectory based Operations (TBO) Activities in China.pdfIP/07Updates of Trajectory-based Operations (TBO) in China09 October 2022China 
IP08 The Long-Term Vision for the Future Air Traffic Systems of Japan (CARATS).pdfIP/08The Long-Term Vision for the Future Air Traffic Systems of Japan (CARATS)09 October 2022Japan 
IP09 The Progress of Domestic CPDLC Trial Operation in Japan.pdfIP/09The Progress of Domestic CPDLC Trial Operation in Japan09 October 2022Japan 
IP10 CMATS Implementation - OneSky Update.pdfIP/10CMATS Implementation – OneSky Update09 October 2022Australia 
IP11 Flight CTOT on Demand Service via ACARS in China.pdfIP/11Flight CTOT on Demand Service via ACARS in China09 October 2022China 
IP12 Researches on the Application and Integration of AMAN-DMAN-SMAN.pdfIP/12Researches on the Application and Integration of AMAN-DMAN-SMAN09 October 2022China 
IP13 Application of PMS and AMAN in Shanghai TMA.pdfIP/13Application of PMS and AMAN in Shanghai TMA09 October 2022China 
IP14 Application of Re-Categorisation of Wake Turbulence Separation Minima in China.pdfIP/14Application of Re-Categorisation of Wake Turbulence Separation Minima in China09 October 2022China 
IP15 Practice Sharing Of A-SMGCS Level IV Lighting Guidance Application in China.pdfIP/15Practice Sharing of A-SMGCS Level IV Lighting Guidance Application in China09 October 2022China 
IP16 Application of Runway Status Light System in China.pdfIP/16Application of Runway Status Light System in China09 October 2022China 
IP17 Airspace Reconstructions in JAPAN.pdfIP/17Airspace Reconstructions in Japan09 October 2022Japan 
IP18 Application of Standard ATC Separation within Colombo FIR.pdfIP/18Application of Standard ATC Separation within Colombo FIR09 October 2022Sri Lanka 
IP19 PBN Routes in Mongolia.pdfIP/19PBN Routes in Mongolia09 October 2022Mongolia 
IP20 Air Traffic Management Security and Cybersecurity.pdfIP/20Air Traffic Management Security and Cybersecurity11 October 2022Secretariat 
IP21 Outcomes from MET SG26 Relevant to ATM SG.pdfIP/21Outcomes from MET SG/26 Relevant to ATM/SG14 October 2022Secretariat 
IP22 Upgradation of CNS-ATM System within Dhaka FIR.pdfIP/22Upgradation of CNS-ATM System within Dhaka FIR16 October 2022Bangladesh 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
SP01 Application of Re-Categorisation of Wake Turbulence Separation Minima in China.pdfSP/01(IP14) Application of Re-Categorisation of Wake Turbulence Separation Minima in China20 October 2022China 
SP02 CDM Process in GBA under Adverse Weather Conditions.pdfSP/02(WP18) CDM Process in GBA under Adverse Weather Conditions20 October 2022China 
SP03 Remote Apron Control Implementation in China.pdfSP/03(WP26) Remote Apron Control Implementation in China20 October 2022China 
SP04 Review on the Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at Hong Kong International Airport.pdfSP/04(WP23) Review on the Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at Hong Kong International Airport20 October 2022Hong Kong China 
SP05 COVID Impact and Forecast – Navigating Safely and Sustainably out of COVID.pdfSP/05COVID Impact and Forecast – Navigating Safely and Sustainably out of COVID20 October 2022IATA 
collapse Category : Flimsies ‎(2)
Flimsy 1 China Response to Working Paper 19.pdfFlimsy 1China Response to Working Paper 1920 October 2022Secretariat 
Flimsy 2 Space Vehicle Launch and Re-entry Coordination - Conclusion and Decision.pdfFlimsy 2Space Vehicle Launch and Re-entry Coordination - Conclusion and Decision20 October 2022Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Shane Sumner

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