Air Traffic Flow Management / Airport Collaborative Decision Making Integration Webinar and 

Twelfth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group  (ATFM/SG/12)

(Video Teleconference, 12 – 16 September 2022) 

Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this Meeting)

collapse Type Name : 2022 ATFMSG12 ‎(36)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report ATFMSG12 (All appendices).pdfATFM/SG/12 Final Report17 November 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP089-22-ATM.pdf01ATFM/A-CDM Integration Seminar and ATFM/SG/12 Invitation Letter24 June 2022Secretariat 
ATFMSG 12 IPWP Template.docm02WP IP Template (.Docm)24 June 2022Secretariat 
ATFMSG 12 IPWP Template.docx03WP IP Template (.Docx)24 June 2022Secretariat 
Order of Business-Rev.1.pdf04-Rev.1Order of Business08 September 2022Secretariat 
Order of Discussion rev3.pdf05-Rev.3Order of Discussion15 September 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(20)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda08 September 2022Secretariat 
WP02 Related Meetings Outcomes.pdfWP/02Related Meetings Outcomes11 September 2022Secretariat 
WP03 Outcomes from MET_R_WG_11.pdfWP/03Review outcomes from MET/R WG/1105 September 2022MET R/WG Ad-hoc Group 
WP04 BOBCAT Update.pdfWP/04BOBCAT Operational Updates05 September 2022Thailand 
WP05 AMNAC Update.pdfWP/05Progress Update from Asia/Pacific Cross-Border Multi-Nodal ATFM Collaboration05 September 2022China, Hong Kong China, Singapore, Thailand, CANSO and IATA 
WP06 NARAHG Update.pdfWP/06NARAHG Update05 September 2022China, Japan and Republic of Korea 
WP07 EATMCG progress updates.pdfWP/07ATFM Collaboration among EATMCG Members Using Multi-Nodal ATFM Concept of Operation05 September 2022Hong Kong China, Japan, Philippines, Republic of Korea 
WP08 Recommended Procedure for GDP Operational Trial rev1.pdfWP/08-Rev.1Recommended Procedure for GDP Operation Trial06 September 2022 Hong Kong China, Japan, Philippines, and Republic of Korea 
WP09 ATFM and ACDM Integration in JAPAN.pdfWP/09Progress for ATFM and A-CDM Integration in Japan05 September 2022Japan 
WP10 Addressing FPL and Missing DEP Messages.pdfWP/10Addressing FPL and Missing DEP Messages05 September 2022Secretariat 
WP11 Analysis of Missing Departure Messages.pdfWP/11Analysis of Missing Departure (DEP) Messages05 September 2022India 
WP12 Regional ATFM Implementation Status rev1.pdfWP/12-Rev.1Regional ATFM Implementation Status08 September 2022Secretariat 
WP13 ATFM in the contingency situation.pdfWP/13ATFM in the contingency situation08 September 2022Secretariat 
WP14 FPL Lead Time of FPL filing to enhance demand predictability.pdfWP/14Lead time of flight plan filing to enhance demand predictability 05 September 2022Hong Kong China 
WP15 Progress of the ATFM Information Requirement Small Working Group (ATFM-IR-SWG).pdfWP/15Progress of the ATFM Information Requirement Small Working Group (ATFM/IR/SWG)08 September 2022ATFM/IR/SWG 
WP16 Update of Regional ATFM Monitoring and Reporting Form.pdfWP/16Update of Regional ATFM monitoring and reporting form08 September 2022Secretariat 
WP17 Update on Information Exchange Model Development to support ATFM Operations.pdfWP/17Update on Information Exchange Model Development to support ATFM Operations, ATFM/A-CDM Integration, and FF-ICE/TBO in Asia/Pacific Region08 September 2022Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and USA 
WP18 ATM Points of Contact List rev.1.pdfWP/18 - Rev.1ATM Points of Contact List17 November 2022Secretariat 
WP19 ATFMSG Terms of Reference and Task List.pdfWP/19ATFM/SG Terms of Reference and Task List05 September 2022Secretariat 
WP20 GDPs vs MINITs.pdfWP/20Benefits of Implementing GDPs over MINIT/MITs08 September 2022Hong Kong China, Singapore and Thailand 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(2)
IP01 Provisional List of Papers rev4.pdfIP/01-Rev.4Provisional List of Papers15 September 2022Secretariat 
IP02 ATFM ACDM Integration Webinar.pdfIP/02ATFM/A-CDM Integration Webinar Outcome14 September 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(6)
SP01 BOBCAT update.pdfSP/01BOBCAT operational update15 September 2022Thailand 
SP02 AMNAC Update.pdfSP/02Progress Update from Asia/Pacific Cross-Border Multi-Nodal ATFM Collaboration14 September 2022China, Hong Kong China, Singapore, Thailand, CANSO and IATA 
SP04 NARAHG Update.pdfSP/04NARAHG Update19 September 2022China, Japan and Republic of Korea 
SP05 Progress for ATFM AND A-CDM INTEGRATION IN JAPAN.pdfSP/05Progress for ATFM and A-CDM Integration in Japan14 September 2022Japan 
SP06 Progress Updates on ATFM Collaboration among EATMCG Members.pdfSP/06Progress Updates on ATFM Collaboration among EATMCG Members14 September 2022Hong Kong China, Japan, Philippines, and Republic of Korea 
SP07 FPL Lead Time of Flight Plan Filing to Enhance Demand Predictability.pdfSP/07Lead time of flight plan filing to enhance demand predictability15 September 2022Hong Kong China 
collapse Category : ATFM/A-CDM Webinar ‎(2)
Audience Instructions ATFMACDM webinar.pdf01Audience Instructions ATFM/A-CDM webinar07 September 2022Secretariat 
Webinar Itinerary.pdf02Webinar Itinerary07 September 2022Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Takata Hiroyuki 

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