GADSS Workshop


Seventh Meeting of the ICAO Asia/Pacific Search and Rescue Working Group (APSAR/WG/7)

(Video Teleconference, 23 - 27 May 2022)

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register)

Facilitators:      TBA

Speakers:          Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)


Content: The workshop is intended to familiarize States, airspace users and international organizations with the ICAO provisions for tracking of aircraft in distress, the Location of an Aircraft in Distress Repository (LADR), and procedures and preparatory steps for SAR satellite service providers, aeronautical regulators, SAR authorities and ANSPs. Please refer to the GADSS Workshop and APSAR/WG/7 State Letter AP025/22 (ATM)

collapse Type Name : 2022 APSAR WG7 ‎(37)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report APSARWG7 (all appendices).pdfAPSAR/WG/7 FINAL Report14 September 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
AP025-22-ATM.pdf01GADSS Workshop and APSAR/WG/7 Invitation Letter24 February 2022Secretariat 
APSARWG7 IP WP Template.docm02APSARWG7 IP WP Template (.Docm)24 February 2022Secretariat 
APSARWG7 IP WP Template.docx03APSARWG7 IP WP Template (.Docx)24 February 2022Secretariat 
GADSS Workshop Provisional Programme.pdf04GADSS Workshop Provisional Programme20 May 2022Secretariat 
Order of Business.pdf05Order of Business23 May 2022Secretariat 
Order of Discussion.pdf06Order of Discussion23 May 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(12)
WP01 Revised Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Revised Provisional Agenda17 May 2022Secretariat 
WP02 Relevant Meetings Outcomes.pdfWP/02Relevant Meetings Outcomes23 May 2022Secretariat 
WP03 ICAO Update on LADR.pdfWP/03ICAO Update on LADR23 May 2022Secretariat 
WP04 GADSS, The ELT(DT), and a Model Template_Letter for Communication with SAR Authorities.pdfWP/04GADSS, The ELT(DT), and a Model Template Letter for Communication with SAR Authorities17 May 2022Cospas-Sarsat 
WP05 Status of the Cospas-Sarsat Programme.pdfWP/05Status of the Cospas-Sarsat Programme18 May 2022Cospas-Sarsat Secretariat 
WP06 BASARNAS-CAAM SAREX.pdfWP/06BASARNAS-CAAM SAREX18 May 2022Indonesia and Malaysia 
WP07 Regional Air Navigation Plan Update.pdfWP/07Regional Air Navigation Plan Update18 May 2022Secretariat 
WP08 Regional SAR Status - Revised.pdfWP/08 RevisedRegional SAR Status20 May 2022Secretariat 
WP09 Asia _Pacific Regional SAR Plan Update - Revised.pdfWP/09 RevisedAsia/Pacific Regional SAR Plan Update19 May 2022Secretariat 
WP10 APANPIRG ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies in the SAR Field.pdfWP/10APANPIRG ATM and Airspace Safety Deficiencies in the SAR Field20 May 2022Secretariat 
WP11 Aeronautical SAR Contact List.pdfWP/11Aeronautical SAR Contact List18 May 2022Secretariat 
WP12 APSARWG Terms of Reference and Task List.pdfWP/12APSARWG Terms of Reference and Task List23 May 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(6)
IP01 Provisional List of Papers.pdfIP/01Provisional List of Papers23 May 2022Secretariat 
IP02 Cospas-Sarsat False Alerts.pdfIP/02Cospas-Sarsat False Alerts17 May 2022New Zealand 
IP03 Sharing Experience of Tokyo RCC.pdfIP/03Sharing Experience of Tokyo RCC18 May 2022Japan 
IP04 Establishment of Malaysia National Preventative SAR Day.pdfIP/04Establishment of Malaysia's National Preventative SAR Day18 May 2022Malaysia 
IP06 Search and Rescue System of Pakistan.pdfIP/06Search and Rescue System of Pakistan18 May 2022Pakistan 
IP07 SAR Promotional Programmes.pdfIP/07SAR Promotional Programmes18 May 2022New Zealand 
collapse Category : Flimsies ‎(1)
Flimsy 1 GADSS Workshop Outcomes - Revised.pdfFlimsy 01 RevisedGADSS Workshop Outcomes25 May 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : GADSS Workshop ‎(11)
SP1 GADSS Overview.pdfSP/01GADSS Overview23 May 2022Chair, ICAO/IMO JWG 
SP2a Autonomous Distress Tracking (ADT) Overview.pdfSP/02aAutonomous Distress Tracking (ADT) Overview23 May 2022Chair, ICAO/IMO JWG 
SP2b ADT Overview - Supporting Information - ADT Flowchart.pdfSP/02bADT Overview - Supporting Information - ADT Flowchart23 May 2022Chair, ICAO/IMO JWG 
SP3a GADSS ADT Demonstration.pdfSP/03aGADSS ADT Demonstration - May 2022ICAO 
SP3 ADT Scenarios.pdfSP/03bADT Scenarios23 May 2022ICAO 
SP4 Cospas-Sarsat ELT(DT)s and GADSS Support.pdfSP/04Cospas-Sarsat ELT(DT)s and GADSS Support23 May 2022Cospas-Sarsat 
SP5 ADT Solution.pdfSP/05ADT Solution23 May 2022Satellite Authorisation Systems (Pty) Ltd 
SP6 Aviation Regulator Considerations.pdfSP/06Aviation Regulator Considerations23 May 2022ICAO 
SP7 Airline Preparations for ADT.pdfSP/07Airline Preparations for ADT23 May 2022IATA 
SP8 SAR Service Considerations.pdfSP/08SAR Service Considerations23 May 2022Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore 
SP9 ANSP Considerations.pdfSP/09ANSP Considerations23 May 2022ICAO 


For further information please contact:
Mr. Shane Sumner

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