Thirty-Third Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group

(Bali, Indonesia, Hybrid Meeting, 22 to 24 November 2022)

collapse Type Name : 2022 APANPIRG33 ‎(54)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
FINAL REPORT of APANPIRG-33.pdf01Final Report of APANPIRG/3321 Dec. 2022Secretariat 
Appendices to the Report.pdf02Appendices to the Report21 Dec. 2022Secretariat 
Attachments to the Report.pdf03Attachments to the Report25 Dec. 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(12)
!AP117-22 - Invitation letter to States_APANPIRG-33.pdf01Invitation Letter to States30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
!AP117-22 - Invitation letter to IO_APANPIRG33.pdf02Invitation Letter to International Organizations30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
AP117-22 - Attachment A - Provisional Agenda - WP01.pdf03Provisional Agenda30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
AP117-22 - Attachment B - Meeting Bulletin.pdf04Meeting Bulletin30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
AP117-22 - Attachment C - Nomination Form.docx05Nomination Form to attend APANPIRG30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
AP117-22 - Attachment D - List of Members-Alternate members.docx.pdf06List of Members/Alternate Members30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
AP117-22 - Attachment E - APANPIRG Members Nomination form.docx07APANPIRG Member Nomination Form (Focal Point)30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
IP-WP Template.docx08IP/WP Template30 Aug. 2022Secretariat 
APANPIRG33_MS Team Famil.pdf09MS Team Familiarization15 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
VTC Instruction_APANPIRG33.pdf10VTC Instructions15 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
List of Exhibitors and Sponsors.pdf11List of Exhibitors and Sponsors21 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
Order of Business - Rev. 02_22. Nov. 2022.pdf12Order of Business - Revision 222 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(24)
WP01 - Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of the Provisional Agenda9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP02, AI1A - Beijing Declaration Commitments implementation status-final.pdfWP/02Where does APAC Stand with the Beijing Declaration Commitments?9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP03, AI1B.1 - Council action on APANPIRG 32 _15.10.2022.pdfWP/03Council Action on the Report on APANPIRG/32 Meeting9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP04 AI 1B.2 - APANPIRG 32 Conclusions-Decisions.pdfWP/04Status of Implementation of APANPIRG/32 Conclusions and Decisions10 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP05, AI 1B.3 - Outstanding Conclusions-Decisions.pdfWP/05Status of Implementation of APANPIRG Outstanding Conclusions and Decisions9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP06, AI 1C - Review relevant outcomes of  APAC DGCA Conf57 Action Item on AN.pdfWP/0657th APAC DGCA Conference Action Items on Air Navigation16 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP07, AI 1D - RASG-APAC 12 Update.pdfWP/07Updates on RASG-APAC/12 Meeting Outcomes 21 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP08, AI 2 - Outcomes of A41.pdfWP/08High-Level Review of the ICAO 41st Assembly9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP09, AI 3.1 - Outcomes of AOP-SG-6.pdfWP/09Report on the Sixth Meeting of AOP Sub Group11 Nov. 2022Chairperson of AOP/SG 
WP10 AI 3.2 - ATMSG10 Outcomes v1.0.pdfWP/10ATM/SG/10 Outcomes14 Nov. 2022Chairperson of ATM/SG  
WP11, AI3.3 - RASMAG Outcomes - final.pdfWP/11RASMAG/27 Outcomes11 Nov. 2022Chairperson of RASMAG 
WP12 AI 3.4 - Report of CNS SG26.pdfWP/12Report of the Twenty Sixth Meeting of CNS Sub-Group9 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP13, AI3.5_METSG26_report_submit_v2.pdfWP/13Meteorology Sub-Group (MET SG/26) Report11 Nov. 2022Chairperson of MET SG 
WP14 AI 4 REV 2 - AN Deficiencies ATM AGA CNS  MET.pdfWP/14           Revision 2Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies in the Asia/PAC Region19 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP15, AI 5 - APANPIRG Work Programme 2023-2024.pdfWP/15APANPIRG Work Programme 2023-202417 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP16, AI 3.2 - CANSO Apac study collaboration opportunities.pdfWP/16CANSO Asia Pacific Study of New Collaboration Opportunities for Seamless ANS9 Nov. 2022CANSO 
WP17, AI 1C- [SEC] Guidance to Develop the Discussion Papers for the ICAO APAC DGCA Conf.pdfWP/17Guidance to Develop Discussion Paper for the Asia and Pacific DGCA Conference18 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP18, AI 3.4 - AHRP - Hong Kong China.pdfWP/18Development of Fully Integrated Safeguarding Surfaces to Uphold Flight Safety While Facilitating Pressing Needs of Infrastructure / Building Developments in Hong Kong11 Nov. 2022Hong Kong, China 
APANPIRG_33 WP18.pdfWP/18              PresentationDevelopment of Fully Integrated Safeguarding Surfaces to Uphold Flight Safety While Facilitating Pressing Needs of Infrastructure / Building Developments in Hong Kong18 Nov. 2022Hong Kong, China 
WP19, AI 3.0 - Performance Measurement in Asia Pacific_revised.pdfWP/19Setting Performance Targets for the Asia Pacific Region16 Nov. 2022Singapore 
WP20 AI3.0 REV 1 - Updating the Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan Rev 1.pdfWP/20           Revision 1Updating the Asia/Pacific Seamless ANS Plan16 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP21, AI 2 - RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ICAO ON ENV PROTEC_v2.pdfWP/21Recent Developments in ICAO on International Aviation and Environmental Protection17 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
WP22, AI 3.2 - eWTS at HKIA - Hong Kong China (Revised 14.11.2022) _upd_YM.pdfWP/22Environmental Benefits Achieved from the Implementation of Enhanced Wake Turbulence Separation at the Hong Kong International Airport17 Nov. 2022Hong Kong, China 
WP23, AI 3.2 - UPR IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA.pdfWP/23User-Preferred Route (UPR) Implementation in Indonesia21 Nov. 2022Indonesia 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(13)
IP01 - List of Papers.pdfIP/01List of Papers and Presentations21 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
IP02, AI 3.1 - Tech-enabled Workforce at HKIA - Hong Kong China.pdfIP/02Technology-Enabled Workforce in Supporting Post-COVID-19 Air Traffic Recovery at Hong Kong International Airport11 Nov. 2022Hong Kong, China 
IP03, AI 3.2 - UPDATE INDONESIA NANP.pdfIP/03Indonesia Update on Implementation of National Air Navigation Plan11 Nov. 2022Indonesia 
IP04, AI 3.2 - UPR IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA.pdfIP/04        WithdrawnProgress of User-Preferred Route (UPR) Implementation in Indonesia11 Nov. 2022Indonesia 
IP05, AI 3.2 - AIS-AIM Update.pdfIP/05AIS-AIM Update11 Nov. 2022DPRK 
IP06, AI 3.4 - Managing Changes to Spectrum Use for Safe Coexistence.pdfIP/06Managing Changes to Spectrum Use for Safe Coexistence11 Nov. 2022the United States 
IP07, AI 3.5 - THE ICAO ASIA PACIFIC VOLCANIC ASH EXERCISE 2201.pdfIP/07The ICAO Asia/Pacific Volcanic Ash Exercise 22/0111 Nov. 2022Indonesia 
IP08 AI 4_REV 1 - SLB_AN-DEFICIENCY-AP-MET-23(revised-20221114).pdfIP/08             Revision 1Rectification of APANPIRG AN Deficiency AP-MET-2314 Nov. 2022Solomon Islands 
IP09, AI 4 -Update on Efforts by Timor-Leste to Elimnate ANS Deficiencies.pdfIP/09Update on Efforts by Timor-Leste to Eliminate Its ANS Deficiencies as Assessed by ICAO USOAP Audit11 Nov. 2022Timor-Leste 
IP10, AI - CNS-ATM SYSTEM UPGRADE IN ULAANBAATAR FIR.pdfIP/10CNS-ATM System Upgrade in Ulaanbaatar FIR16 Nov. 2022Mongolia 
IP11, AI 3.4 - The Implementation of Surveillance Systems in Pyongyang FIR_Amended.pdfIP/11The Implementation of Surveillance Systems in Pyongyang FIR15 Nov. 2022DPRK 
IP12, AI 2 - [ICAO HQ] A41 Endorsement of the 2023-2025 Edition of GASP.pdfIP/12A41 Endorsement of the 2023-2025 Edition of the Global Aviation Safety Plan15 Nov. 2022Secretariat 
IP13, AI 3 - National Airspace and Air Navigation Master Plan Development in Thailand.pdfIP/13National Airspace and Air Navigation Master Plan Development in Thailand16 Nov. 2022Thailand 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
Fatigue Manangement in ATS _ Laminaar.pdfPPT/01Fatigue Risk Management in Air Traffic Services…an InfoTech Solution17 Nov. 2022Laminaar 
02 - ICAO e-Library and Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards.pdfPPT/02ICAO e-Library and Aviation Data Analytics Dashboards23 Nov. 2022Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Punya R. Shakya

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