ICAO APAC Safety Culture “Safety is MY business” Webinar

(Video Teleconference, 27-28 October 2021)

Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this Webinar)

Content: As a strong Safety Culture is vital to an effectively well-functioning SMS and it is not possible to have an effective SMS without a good positive Safety Culture, this webinar will help enhance safety in ATM and increase awareness of importance of promoting a positive safety culture among aviation community.

collapse Type Name :  ‎(15)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP056-21-RSO ICAO APAC Webinars 2021.pdf01Invitation letter8 April 2021Secretariat 
Attachment A - Program Outline-Updated in July 2021(Modified part highlighted) (002).pdf02Attachment A - Program Outline26 July 2021Secretariat  
Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines.pdf03Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines8 April 2021Secretariat 
Provisional Order of Business (ICAO APAC Safety Culture Webinar).pdf04Attachment C - Provisional Order of Business26 October 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
Introduction to ATM Safety Culture.pdf01Introduction to ATM Safety Culture28 October 2021Secretariat 
1. FAA_Safety Culture  Voluntary Safety Reporting In USA.pdf02FAA_Safety Culture Voluntary Safety Reporting (SRP)28 October 2021Secretariat 
2. EASA_Safety Culture in European Aviation Focus on ATM.pdf03EASA_Safety Culture in European Aviation Focus on ATM28 October 2021Secretariat 
3. IFALPA_Safety Culture We live in the same region but different world.pdf04 IFALPA_Safety Culture We live in the same region but different world28 October 2021Secretariat 
4. IFATCAATCOs real voice on Safety Culture in ANSPs.pdf05IFATCA_ATCOs' real voice on Safety Culture in ANSPs28 October 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : Group discussion exercise outcomes ‎(6)
Group 1. Just Culture, Reporting  Investigation.png01Group 1. Just Culture, Reporting &Investigation28 October 2021Secretariat 
Group 2. Just Culture, Reporting Investigation.png02Group 2. Just Culture, Reporting Investigation28 October 2021Secretariat 
Group 3. Just Culture, Reporting  Investigation.png03Group 3. Just Culture, Reporting  Investigation28 October 2021Secretariat 
Group 4. Management Commitment.png04Group 4. Management Commitment28 October 2021Secretariat 
Group 5. Management Commitment.png05Group 5. Management Commitment28 October 2021Secretariat 
Group 6. Colleague Commitment.png06Group 6. Colleague Commitment28 October 2021Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Ms. Lia Sunok Lee

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