Type Name : 2021 SWIM TF 5 (39)
 Category : 1-Report (1)
|  | | Final Report | 19 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 2-General Information (8)
|  | 01 | Letter of invitation | 06 May 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 02 | Attachment A - Provisional Agenda | 06 May 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 03 | Attachment B - Video Tele-conferencing Bulletin | 06 May 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 04 | Attachment C - Guidelines for Online Registration | 06 May 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 05 | Attachment D - Registration Form | 06 May 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 06 | WP-IP Template | 23 Jul. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 07 | List of participants | 11 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | 08 | Tentative schedule | 11 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 3-Working Papers (22)
|  | WP/01 | Provisional Agenda (Revised) | 02 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/02 | Review of Relevant Meetings/Web-conferences | 05 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/03 | Review of ToR, Work Plan, and Outstanding Action Items (Revised) | 10 Aug. 2021 | SWIM TF Co-Chair and Secretariat | |
|  | WP/04 | Review Report of the First Meeting of the Surveillance Study Group (SURSG/1) | 23 Jul. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/05 | Outcomes of SWIM Workshop | 02 Aug. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/06 | Update on APAC SWIM Implementation Materials | 23 Jul. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | WP/07 | Update on SWIM Regional Coordination | 23 Jul. 2021 | IATA | |
|  | WP/08 | Expansion of the SWIM Implementation Philosophy | 23 Jul. 2021 | Singapore | |
|  | WP/09 | SWIM Discovery Service Demonstration and Lessons Learned | 03 Aug. 2021 | Republic of Korea and USA | |
|  | WP/10 | Service Level Agreement in the Context of APAC SWIM: Introduction | 03 Aug. 2021 | USA | |
|  | WP/11 | SWIM Interoperability Assessment Matrix (SIAM) | 03 Aug. 2021 | USA | |
|  | WP/12 | Update on Information Exchange Model Development to Support ATFM Operations, ATFM/A-CDM Integration, and FF-ICE/TBO in Asia/Pacific Region | 02 Aug. 2021 | Thailand | |
|  | WP/13 | Updates on the Development of the ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (IWXXM) | 07 Aug. 2021 | Hong Kong, China | |
|  | WP/14 | Comparison of Information Service Overviews and Proposed APAC Version | 02 Aug. 2021 | Australia and Hong Kong, China | |
|  | WP/15 | Multi-regional TBO Demonstration | 02 Aug. 2021 | Japan, Singapore, Thailand and USA | |
|  | WP/16 | Thailand’s SWIM Implementation Roadmap | 02 Aug. 2021 | Thailand | |
|  | WP/17 | Proposal to Survey Swim Implementation Plan and Status in Asia/Pacific (Revised) | 09 Aug. 2021 | Singapore and Thailand | |
|  | WP/18 | IMP Update | 03 Aug. 2021 | Japan | |
|  | WP/19 | APAC SWIM Profile Discussion | 04 Aug. 2021 | Australia | |
|  | WP/20 | Proof-of-Concept for Surveillance Data Sharing on SWIM by Surveillance Study Group (SURSG) | 05 Aug. 2021 | Hong Kong ,China on behalf of the SURSG | |
|  | WP/21 | SWIM Infrastructure to Achieve Message Level Security | 06 Aug. 2021 | Japan, Thailand, and USA | |
|  | WP/22 | Proof of Concept for Exchanging Aeronautical, Flight and Weather Data through SWIM Platform | 05 Aug. 2021 | India | |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (8)
|  | IP/01 | Video Tele-conference Bulletin | 23 Jul. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/02 | Update on ICAO APAC Regional Webinars | 23 Jul. 2021 | Secretariat | |
|  | IP/03 | The Validation and Demonstration of FIXM Extension Model in China | 04 Aug. 2021 | China | |
|  | IP/04 | Research of Air-ground System Wide Information Management in China | 04 Aug. 2021 | China | |
|  | IP/05 | Experimental Trial on Surveillance Data Exchange in SWIM Environment | 03 Aug. 2021 | Republic of Korea | |
|  | IP/06 | The Status of SWIM as an ATM Backbone in the Republic of Korea | 03 Aug. 2021 | Republic of Korea | |
|  | IP/07 | Semantics in the Aviation Industry Whitepaper | 10 Aug. 2021 | Australia | |
|  | IP/08 | A Hybrid Networking Solution Compatible with Legacy Systems | 04 Aug. 2021 | China | |