​ICAO Webinar for China (IWFC/1)

(Video Teleconference, 26-28 January 2021) 

请点击此处进行报名注册   Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this event)

The Deadline for Online Registration 22 January  2021,  Therefore Early Registration is Recommended.

collapse Type Name :  ‎(10)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(3)
AP241-20(RSO) ICAO Webinar for China(Chinese version).pdf01邀请函22 January 2021Secretariat 
AP241-20(RSO) ICAO webinar for China.pdf02Invitation Letter22 January 2021Secretariat 
《ICAO在中国》网络研讨会日程安排.pdf03《ICAO在中国》网络研讨会日程安排25 January 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(7)
1.Introduction to ICAO-Raphael.pdf01Introduction to ICAO26 January 2021Secretariat 
2.ICAO Headquarter and ANC-Liang Junrong.pdf02ICAO Headquarter and ANC26 January 2021Secretariat 
3. The APAC Regional Office and Development Strategy of CNS - Li Peng.pdf03The APAC Regional Office and Development Strategy of CNS 26 January 2021Secretariat 
4.Air Traffic Management –Related Work of APAC Regional office-Zhou Ying.pdf04Air Traffic Management –Related Work of APAC Regional office27 January 2021Secretariat 
5.ATM-Collaboration and Coordination-Liu Song.pdf05ATM-Collaboration and Coordination27 January 2021Secretariat 
6. Air Traffic Flow Management-Li Wenxin.pdf06Air Traffic Flow Management28 January 2021Secretariat 
7.How to work with ICAO-Liu Lujiang.pdf07How to work with ICAO28 January 2021Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. LiuLujiang

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