22nd South East Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team and National Coordinators Meeting (SEARAST/22)

(On Zoom 17 November 2021, 08:00-12:00 hrs. & 18 November 2021, 13:00-17:00 hrs., Bangkok time)


collapse Type Name : 2021 COSCAP-SEA SEARAST-22 ‎(5)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
Invitation Letter SEARAST-22 211007.pdf01Letter of Invitation SEARAST/22 & NCs Meeting11 OCT 2021COSCAP-SEA 
Att A - Prov Agenda SEARAST-22 211007.pdf02Provisional Agenda SEARAST/22 & NCs Meeting11 OCT 2021COSCAP-SEA 
Att C - Registration Form SEARAST-22.docx03Registration Form SEARAST/22 & NCs Meeting11 OCT 2021COSCAP-SEA 
Attachment A - Provisional Agenda SEARAST22 2111111a.pdf04Provisional Agenda SEARAST/22 update11 NOV 2021COSCAP-SEA 
SEARAST-22 Provisional Programme.pdf05Provisional Programm SEARAST/22 update15 NOV 2021COSCAP-SEA 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Nicolas Rallo 


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