Twenty Fifth Meeting of the Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Sub-group of APANPIRG


(Video Teleconference, 18 – 22 October 2021) 


Online Registration (Click This Link to Register for this Meeting) 

The meeting (video teleconference) will commence at 0900 hrs. ICT (UTC +7) on Monday, 18 October 2021.

The discussion sessions (on the agenda items) are tentatively proposed from 0900 to 1300 hrs. ICT (UTC +7) on Monday to Friday, 18 – 22 October 2021. 

Registration for the CNS SG/25 can be done online. The nominated participant (s) from State/Administration are requested to access  and register for the event by using guideline for online registration as provided in the Annex 1 to Attachment 2. Kindly note that the last day of registration is Monday, 4 October 2021 and only the registered participant (s) are entitled to receive meeting invitation link to join the meeting


collapse Type Name : 2021 CNS SG 25 ‎(88)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Report of CNS SG25_Rev.pdfFinal Report28 March 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(10)
AP119-21-CNS  - REVISED.pdf01Letter of invitation -Revised15 Jul. 2021Secretariat 
AP119 - Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda - Revised.pdf02Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda 15 Jul. 2021Secretariat 
AP119 - Attachment 2 - Video Tele-Conference_Bulletin Revised.pdf03Attachment 2 - Video Teleconference Bulletin 15 Jul. 2021Secretariat 
AP119 - Attachment 3 - Registration Form - Revised.pdf04Attachment 3 - Registration Form15 Jul. 2021Secretariat 
WP-IP template - revised.docx05WP-IP Template15 Jul. 2021Secretariat 
Opening Remarks by RD.pdf06Opening Remarks by RD12 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
Significant Achievements of CNS.pdf07Significant Achievements of CNS07 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
Tentative schedule CNS SG25.pdf08Tentative Programme21 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
List of Sponsors_CNS-SG 25.pdf09List of Sponsors15 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
Attachment 1 - CNS SG25 - List of participants as of 18 Oct 2021.pdf10List of participants 20 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(42)
WP01_ICAO AI.1 - Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda24 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
WP01_ATT REF APANPIRG HB.pdfWP/01Attachment to WP/01 - Presentation18 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI.2 - Review the outcome of Relevant Meetings.pdfWP/02Outcomes of APANPIRG/31, APANPIRG/31 Midyear Review and 8th PIRG-RASG Regional Coordination Meeting on CNS04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP03_ICAO AI.2 - Air Traffic Management and Airspace Safety Monitoring Outcomes v2.pdfWP/03Air Traffic Management and Airspace Safety Monitoring Outcomes14 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP04_ICAO AI.3.1 - Review the report of ACSICG8_Rev.pdfWP/04Common Aeronautical VPN (CRV) Implementation Plan28 Mar. 2022Secretariat 
WP05_ICAO AI.3.2 - AMHS readiness status for supporting IWXXM Traffic of the States Administrations v2.pdfWP/05AMHS Readiness Status for Supporting IWXXM Traffic of the States/Administrations04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP06_ICAO AI.3 - Review report of APA TF7.pdfWP/06Review of Outcomes of APA TF/7 Meeting04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP07_ICAO AI.3.4 - Review the report of SWIMTF5-r.pdfWP/07Review Report of the Fifth Meeting of System Wide Information Management Task Force (SWIM TF/5)11 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP08_ICAO AI.4.2 - Review the report of SRWG5.pdfWP/08Review Report of the Fifth Meeting of Spectrum Review Working Group (SRWG/5)19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP09_ICAO AI.4.3 - ICAO Position for WRC-23.pdfWP/09ICAO Position for ITU WRC-2304 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP09_ATT-PPT ICAO Position for WRC-23.pdfWP/09Attachment to WP/09 - Presentation19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP10_ICAO AI.5 - Review report of PBNICG8.pdfWP/10Review Report of the Eighth Meeting of  Performance Based Navigation Implementation  Coordination Group  (PBNICG/8)13 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP11-Review report of GBAS-SBAS ITF3-Rev.pdfWP/11Review of Report of the Third Meeting of GBAS/SBAS Implementation Task Force (GBAS/SBAS ITF/3)18 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP11_ATT-PPT - Review report of GBAS-SBAS ITF3 - rev 2a.pdfWP/11Attachment to WP/11 - Presentation20 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP12_ICAO AI.5.3 Flight inspection catalogue.pdfWP/12Updation of Catalogue of Asia and Pacific Flight Inspection and Flight Validation Service Providers19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP13_ICAO AI.6.1 - Review Report of Sixth Meeting of the SURICG6.pdfWP/13Review Report of Sixth Meeting of the Surveillance Implementation Coordination Group (SURICG/6)15 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP13_ATT - PRESENTATION - Review Report of SURICG6 v1.pdfWP/13Attachment to WP/13 - Presentation17 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP14_ICAO AI.7.1 -Review Report of the Second Meeting of ATMAS TF2.pdfWP/14Review Report of the Second Meeting of ATM Automation Systems Task Force (ATMAS TF/2)19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP15_ICAO AI.8 - Review CNS Req in e-ANP, Seamless ANS Plan and NANP-v2.pdfWP/15Review of Regional CNS Requirements in ICAO APAC e-ANP, Seamless ANS Plan and Updates on National Air Navigation Plan (NANP)05 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP16_ICAO AI.8.3 - Beijing declaration implementation status for CNS.pdfWP/16Updates on Beijing Declaration Implementation Related to CNS08 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP17_ICAO AI.9 - Review of CNS Deficiencies.pdfWP/17Review Status of CNS Deficiencies04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP18_ICAO_AI.10_REVIEW OUTCOMES OF SMALL WG TUDY ON HUMAN FACTOR ISSUES OF ATSEP.pdfWP/18Review Outcomes of Small Working Group Study on Human Factor Issues of ATSEP11 Oct. 2021Secretariat and IFATSEA 
WP18_ICAO_AI.10_REVIEW OUTCOMES OF SMALL WG TUDY ON HUMAN FACTOR ISSUES OF ATSEP 1.pdfWP/18Attachment to WP/18 - Presentation19 Oct. 2021Secretariat and IFATSEA 
WP19_ICAO AI.11 - Outcomes of cybersecurity Webinar-revised.pdfWP/19Outcomes of ICAO Asia Pacific Regional Cybersecurity Webinar04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP20_ICAO AI.13 - COVID Impact 2021.pdfWP/20Impact of COVID-19 to CNS Works in 202105 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP21_ICAO AI.14 - CNS Points of Contact.pdfWP/21CNS Points of Contact04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP22_ICAO AI.2 - Updates on CNS SG24 and APANPIRG31 ConclusionsDecisions and Action Items.pdfWP/22Updates on CNS SG/24 and APANPIRG/31 Conclusions/Decisions and Action Items04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP23_CHN AI.5.4 - The BDS Standardization and Application in Civil Aviation.pdfWP/23The BDS Standardization and Application in Civil Aviation01 Oct. 2021China 
WP24_CHN AI.12 - UAS-based PAPI Inspection Technology in China.pdfWP/24UAS-Based PAPI Inspection Technology in China01 Oct. 2021China 
WP25_HKG AI.12 - Trial Inspection on CNS Outstations by Drone to Enhance Maintenance Work.pdfWP/25Trial Inspection on CNS outstations by Drone to Enhance Maintenance Work in Hong Kong, China04 Oct. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP25_ATT - PRESENTATION - Trial Inspection on CNS Outstations by Drone_v2a.pdfWP/25Attachment to WP/25 - Presentation17 Oct. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP26_CHN_HKG AI.5.4 - Update of Flight Inspection Guidance Materials_v2.pdfWP/26Update of Flight Inspection Guidance Material (FIGM)  for APAC Region05 Oct. 2021China & Hong Kong, China 
WP26_ATT - PRESENTATION - Update of Flight Inspection Guidance Materials_v1.pdfWP/26Attachment to WP/26 - Presentation17 Oct. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP27_HKG AI.12 - Dev of Integrated Safeguarding Surface.pdfWP/27Development of an Integrated Safeguarding Surface  to Uphold Flight Safety while Facilitating Infrastructure/Building Developments in Hong Kong05 Oct. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP27_ATT - PRESENTATION - Dev of Integrated Safeguarding Surface in Hong Kong.pdfWP/27Attachment to WP/27 - Presentation18 Oct. 2021Hong Kong, China 
WP28_ICAO AI.8 - UPDATES ON ICAO ANNEX 10 VI RPAS C2 LINK.pdfWP/28Updates on ICAO Annex 10 VI RPAS C2 Link19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP29_IND AI.3.4 - Proof of Concept for Exchanging Aeronautical, Flight and Weather Data through SWIM Platform.pdfWP/29Proof of Concept for Exchanging Aeronautical, Flight and Weather Data through SWIM Platform14 Oct. 2021India 
WP30_ICAO AI.2 MEMBER STATES SUPPORT FOR CNS SG.pdfWP/30Member States Support for CNS SG and Contributory Bodies Meetings - 202214 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP31_ICAO AI 8 - Seamless ANS Plan Monitoring and NANP Update.pdfWP/31Seamless ANS Plan and Monitoring Update17 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP32_USA AI.11.1 - Cyber Security and Requirements for CRV.pdfWP/32Implications of Cybersecurity and associated Requirements  for CRV Operations14 Oct. 2021USA 
WP33_ICAO AI.11.2 - Cybersecurity in Air Navigation Activities.pdfWP/33Cybersecurity in Air Navigation Activities17 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
WP33_PRESENTATION ICAO NACC Cybersecurity Approach.pptx.pdfWP/33Attachment to WP/33 - Presentation19 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(27)
IP01_ICAO AI.1- Meeting Bulletin.pdfIP/01Meeting Bulletin24 Sept. 2021Secretariat 
IP02_ICAO AI. 3.2 - AMHS Connections between APAC and EUR-NAT.pdfIP/02AMHS Connections between APAC and EUR/NAT05 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP03_ICAO AI.3.1 - Outcomes of CRV Webinar.pdfIP/03Outcomes of ICAO Asia Pacific Implementation of CRV Webinar04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP04_ICAO AI.3.4 - Outcomes of SWIM Workshop.pdfIP/04Outcomes of SWIM Workshop04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP05_ICAO AI.4.3 - ICAO DOC 9718 Update.pdfIP/05Handbook on Radio Frequency Spectrum Requirements  for Civil Aviation (Doc. 9718, Volume II)27 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP06_ICAO AI.4.3 - 5G Implementation and Potential Impacts  on Aircraft Radio Altimeters.pdfIP/065G Implementation and Potential Impacts on Aircraft  Radio Altimeters04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP07_ICAO AI.5.4 - PFA OF ANNEX 10 VOLUME I ON DFMC AND GBAS.pdfIP/07Proposals for the Amendment of Annex 10, Volume I, on DFMC and GBAS04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP08_ICAO AI.6.1 - Outcomes of ADS-B Webinar.pdfIP/08Outcomes of ICAO APAC Implementation of ADS-B Webinar04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP09_SGP_ICAO AI.6.2 - Resolution of Conflicting Text regarding Flight Inspections.pdfIP/09Resolution of Conflicting Text in Doc. 8071 Vol. III Regarding Flight Inspections04 Oct. 2021Singapore and Secretariat 
IP10_ICAO AI.3.1 - CRV Post Implementation Issues in Bhutan r1.pdfIP/10CRV Post Implementation Issues in Bhutan04 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
IP11_AUS AI.5.4 - Compatibility of Other GNSS Positioning Services with Aviation Services.pdfIP/11Compatibility of other GNSS Positioning Services with Aviation Services04 Oct. 2021Australia 
IP12_ AUS AI.4.3 - Status of 5G Implementation in Australia.pdfIP/12Status of 5G Implementation in Australia01 Oct. 2021Australia 
IP13_CHN AI.6.2 - Mode S Activities Update.pdfIP/13Mode S Activities Update in China01 Oct. 2021China 
IP14_CHN AI.5.4 - Research on Operational Quality Analysis of ILS By Airborne DAR Data.pdfIP/14Research on Operational Quality Analysis of Instrument Landing System Based on Airborne DAR Data01 Oct. 2021China 
IP15_CHN AI.12 - Standard Establishment of Data Link for UAS-based Flight Inspection.pdfIP/15Standard Establishment of Data Link for UAS-Based Flight Inspection in China01 Oct. 2021China 
IP16_CHN AI.12 - Implemention of A-SMGCS Level IV Operation in Beijing Daxing International Airport.pdfIP/16The Implementation of A-SMGCS Level IV Operation  in Beijing Daxing International Airport01 Oct. 2021China 
IP17_CHN AI.4.1 - Update of AeroMACS Application and Specification in China.pdfIP/17Update of AeroMACS Application and Specification in China01 Oct. 2021China 
IP18_JPN AI.3.4 - SWIM IMPLEMENTATION IN JAPAN.pdfIP/18SWIM Implementation in Japan14 Oct. 2021Japan 
IP19_SGP AI.5.4 - GNSS Event Reporting CONOPS.pdfIP/19Concept of Operations for GNSS Event Reporting05 Oct. 2021Singapore  
IP19_SGP AI.5.4 - Attachment to IP19 - GNSS Event Reporting Presentation.pdfIP/19Attachment to IP/19 - Presentation14 Oct. 2021Singapore  
IP20_JPN AI.5.4 - STATUS OF GBAS IMPLEMENTATION IN JAPAN.pdfIP/20Status of GBAS Implementation in Japan12 Oct. 2021Japan 
IP21_JPN AI.5.4 - SBAS Status Update in Japan.pdfIP/21SBAS Status Update in Japan14 Oct. 2021Japan 
IP22_JPN AI.8.1 - The Long-term Vision for the Future Air Traffic Systems  of Japan - CARATS.pdfIP/22The Long-term Vision for the Future Air Traffic Systems of Japan (CARATS)12 Oct. 2021Japan 
IP23_IND AI.3.5 - Future plans for implementation of New ICAO SARPS compliant AMHS in India.pdfIP/23Future Plans for Implementation of New ICAO SARPS Compliant AMHS in India13 Oct. 2021India 
IP24_IND AI.6.2 - Implementation of Space-based ADS-B Surveillance for the Oceanic Regions of Indian FIRs.pdfIP/24Implementation of Space-Based ADS-B Surveillance for the Oceanic Regions of Indian FIRs13 Oct. 2021India 
IP25_IND AI.7.2 - Future plan for ATM Automation system implementation in India.pdfIP/25Future Plan for ATM Automation System Implementation in India13 Oct. 2021India 
IP26_ROK AI7.2 - The implementation of the weather data converter for a legacy automation system.pdfIP/26The Implementation of the Weather Data Converter for a Legacy Automation System as an Interfacing to TDWR14 Oct. 2021Republic of Korea 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(5)
Presentation01_Frequentis AI.12 - Uniting the Things that Fly - How to Integrate ATM and UTM for a Safer APAC Sky.pdf01Uniting the Things that Fly - How to Integrate ATM and UTM for a Safer APAC Sky14 Oct. 2021Frequentis 
Presentation02_Thales AI.7.2. - Approach Spacing Tool – Concept and Feature Overview.pdf02Approach Spacing Tool - Concept and Feature Overview15 Oct. 2021Thales 
Presentation03_Thales AI.11.2 - Cybersecurity in ATM System of Systems Approach - Patch Management.pdf03Cybersecurity in ATM System of Systems Approach - Patch Management15 Oct. 2021Thales 
Presentation04_ICAO AI.11 - Information security requirements for exchange of information over IP.pdf04Information Security Requirements for Exchange of Information over IP20 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
Presentation05_China State Key LAB AI.12 - Application of Knowledge Graph in Air Traffic Management.pdf05Application of Knowledge Graph in Air Traffic Management15 Oct. 2021China State Key Laboratory 
collapse Category : Flimsy ‎(3)
Flimsy01_ICAO AI.14 CNS Meeting planning.pdfFlimsy - 01CNS Meeting Planning for 202207 Oct. 2021Secretariat 
Flimsy 02_AUS AI, 3.4 - Review Report of SWIM TF5.pdfFlimsy - 02Review Report of SWIM TF/518 Oct. 2021Australia 
Flimsy 03_CHN AI.12 - Standard establishment of UAS-based flight inspection system in China.pdfFlimsy 03Standard Establishment of UAS-based Flight Inspection System in China19 Oct. 2021China 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Luo Yi

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